QtBase  v6.3.1
Functions | Variables
src_gui_graphicsview_qgraphicsview.cpp File Reference

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scene addText ("Hello, world!")
view show ()
scene addRect (QRectF(-10, -10, 20, 20))
view setRenderHints (QPainter::Antialiasing|QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform)
view setBackgroundBrush (QImage(":/images/backgroundtile.png"))
view setCacheMode (QGraphicsView::CacheBackground)
scene addText ("GraphicsView rotated clockwise")
view rotate (90)


QGraphicsScene scene
 [0] More...
QGraphicsView view
 [1] More...

Function Documentation

◆ addRect()

scene addRect ( QRectF(-10, -10, 20, 20)  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addText() [1/2]

scene addText ( "GraphicsView rotated clockwise"  )

◆ addText() [2/2]

scene addText ( Hello,

◆ rotate()

view rotate ( 90  )

◆ setBackgroundBrush()

view setBackgroundBrush ( QImage(":/images/backgroundtile.png")  )

◆ setCacheMode()

◆ setRenderHints()

◆ show()

view show ( )

Variable Documentation

◆ scene






Definition at line 52 of file src_gui_graphicsview_qgraphicsview.cpp.

◆ view



Definition at line 71 of file src_gui_graphicsview_qgraphicsview.cpp.