QtBase  v6.3.1
Functions | Variables
src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp File Reference

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 qDebug ("Type is %s", v.typeName())
v setValue (5)
v setValue (c)
 if (v.canConvert< MyCustomStruct >()) c
v canConvert< int > ()
v canConvert< QString > ()
v setValue (s)
v canConvert< MyCustomStruct > ()
 if (variant.canConvert< QVariantList >())
mapping insert (7, "Seven")
mapping insert (11, "Eleven")
mapping insert (42, "Forty-two")
 if (variant.canConvert< QVariantHash >())


QDataStream out (...)
 [0] More...
QVariant v (123) = v.toInt() + 100
 [3] More...
int x = v.toInt()
 [0] More...
int z = v.toInt()
QVariant y = QVariant::fromValue(nullptr)
QVariant variant = color
 [1] More...
QColor color = variant.value<QColor>()
 [2] More...
int i = v.toInt()
QString s = v.toString()
 [6] More...
MyCustomStruct c
MyCustomStruct c2 = v.value<MyCustomStruct>()
QObjectobject = getObjectFromSomewhere()
 [7] More...
QVariant data = QVariant::fromValue(object)
QList< int > intList = {7, 11, 42}
 [8] More...
QHash< int, QStringmapping
 [9] More...

Function Documentation

◆ canConvert< int >()

v canConvert< int > ( )

◆ canConvert< MyCustomStruct >()

v canConvert< MyCustomStruct > ( )

◆ canConvert< QString >()

v canConvert< QString > ( )

◆ if() [1/3]

if ( v.canConvert< MyCustomStruct >  ())

◆ if() [2/3]

if ( variant.canConvert< QVariantHash ())

Definition at line 177 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ if() [3/3]

if ( variant.canConvert< QVariantList ())

Definition at line 149 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ insert() [1/3]

mapping insert ( 11  ,

◆ insert() [2/3]

mapping insert ( 42  ,

◆ insert() [3/3]

mapping insert ( ,

◆ qDebug()

qDebug ( "Type is %s ,
v.  typeName() 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setValue() [1/3]

v setValue ( )

◆ setValue() [2/3]

v setValue ( c  )

◆ setValue() [3/3]

v setValue ( s  )

Variable Documentation

◆ c

MyCustomStruct c

Definition at line 96 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ c2

MyCustomStruct c2 = v.value<MyCustomStruct>()

Definition at line 101 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ color



Definition at line 79 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ data

Definition at line 141 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ i

int i = v.toInt()

Definition at line 93 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ intList

QList<int> intList = {7, 11, 42}



Definition at line 146 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ mapping



Definition at line 171 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ object

QObject* object = getObjectFromSomewhere()



Definition at line 140 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ out

QDataStream out(...) (   ...)


◆ s

MyCustomStruct s = v.toString()



Definition at line 94 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ v

QVariant v ( 123  ) = v.toInt() + 100





Definition at line 62 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ variant

QVariant variant = color



Definition at line 77 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ x

QVariant x = v.toInt()



Definition at line 54 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ y

Definition at line 72 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.

◆ z

int z = v.toInt()

Definition at line 63 of file src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp.