QtBase  v6.3.1
Classes | Functions | Variables
src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp File Reference

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class  CustomDataProxy
 [11] More...


 beginInsertRows (parent, 2, 4)
 [0] More...
 beginInsertRows (parent, 4, 5)
 [0] More...
 beginRemoveRows (parent, 2, 3)
 [1] More...
 beginInsertColumns (parent, 4, 6)
 [2] More...
 beginInsertColumns (parent, 6, 8)
 [3] More...
 beginRemoveColumns (parent, 4, 6)
 [4] More...
 beginMoveRows (sourceParent, 2, 4, destinationParent, 2)
 [5] More...
 beginMoveRows (sourceParent, 2, 4, destinationParent, 6)
 [6] More...
 beginMoveRows (parent, 2, 2, parent, 0)
 [7] More...
 beginMoveRows (parent, 2, 2, parent, 4)
 [8] More...
myData clear ()
 [9] More...
 reset ()
 beginResetModel ()
 [10] More...
 endResetModel ()
model multiData (index, span)


QVariant text = model->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole)
 [12] More...
QVariant decoration = model->data(index, Qt::DecorationRole)
QVariant checkState = model->data(index, Qt::CheckStateRole)
std::array< QModelRoleData, 3 > roleData
 [13] More...
QModelRoleDataSpan span (roleData)

Function Documentation

◆ beginInsertColumns() [1/2]

beginInsertColumns ( parent  ,



Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ beginInsertColumns() [2/2]

beginInsertColumns ( parent  ,



◆ beginInsertRows() [1/2]

beginInsertRows ( parent  ,


Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ beginInsertRows() [2/2]

beginInsertRows ( parent  ,



◆ beginMoveRows() [1/4]

beginMoveRows ( parent  ,
parent  ,



◆ beginMoveRows() [2/4]

beginMoveRows ( parent  ,
parent  ,



◆ beginMoveRows() [3/4]

beginMoveRows ( sourceParent  ,
destinationParent  ,



Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ beginMoveRows() [4/4]

beginMoveRows ( sourceParent  ,
destinationParent  ,



◆ beginRemoveColumns()

beginRemoveColumns ( parent  ,



Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ beginRemoveRows()

beginRemoveRows ( parent  ,



Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ beginResetModel()

beginResetModel ( )



Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clear()

myData clear ( )



◆ endResetModel()

endResetModel ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ multiData()

model multiData ( index  ,

◆ reset()

reset ( )

Variable Documentation

◆ checkState

Definition at line 147 of file src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp.

◆ decoration

Definition at line 146 of file src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp.

◆ roleData

std::array<QModelRoleData, 3> roleData
Initial value:
= { {
} }
The QModelRoleData class holds a role and the data associated to that role.
@ DecorationRole
Definition: qnamespace.h:1503
@ CheckStateRole
Definition: qnamespace.h:1513
@ DisplayRole
Definition: qnamespace.h:1502



Definition at line 152 of file src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp.

◆ span

◆ text



Definition at line 145 of file src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp.