QtBase  v6.3.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
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6 ** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
7 **
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25 ** GNU General Public License Usage
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37 **
38 ****************************************************************************/
40 #include <qdebug.h>
41 #include "qplatformdefs.h"
42 #include "qsettings.h"
44 #include "qsettings_p.h"
45 #include "qcache.h"
46 #include "qfile.h"
47 #include "qdir.h"
48 #include "qfileinfo.h"
49 #include "qmutex.h"
50 #include "private/qlocking_p.h"
51 #include "private/qtools_p.h"
52 #include "qlibraryinfo.h"
53 #include "qtemporaryfile.h"
54 #include "qstandardpaths.h"
55 #include <qdatastream.h>
56 #include <qstringconverter.h>
59 #include "qsize.h"
60 #include "qpoint.h"
61 #include "qrect.h"
62 #endif // !QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
64 #include "qcoreapplication.h"
67 #include "qsavefile.h"
68 #include "qlockfile.h"
69 #endif
71 #ifdef Q_OS_VXWORKS
72 # include <ioLib.h>
73 #endif
75 #include <algorithm>
76 #include <stdlib.h>
78 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // for homedirpath reading from registry
79 # include <qt_windows.h>
80 # include <shlobj.h>
81 #endif
83 #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
84 #define Q_XDG_PLATFORM
85 #endif
87 #if !defined(QT_NO_STANDARDPATHS) && (defined(Q_XDG_PLATFORM) || defined(QT_PLATFORM_UIKIT))
89 #endif
91 // ************************************************************************
92 // QConfFile
94 /*
95  QConfFile objects are explicitly shared within the application.
96  This ensures that modification to the settings done through one
97  QSettings object are immediately reflected in other setting
98  objects of the same application.
99 */
104 {
109 };
114 namespace {
115  struct Path
116  {
117  // Note: Defining constructors explicitly because of buggy C++11
118  // implementation in MSVC (uniform initialization).
119  Path() {}
120  Path(const QString & p, bool ud) : path(p), userDefined(ud) {}
121  QString path;
122  bool userDefined = false;
123  };
124 }
128 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(ConfFileHash, usedHashFunc)
129 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(ConfFileCache, unusedCacheFunc)
130 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(PathHash, pathHashFunc)
131 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(CustomFormatVector, customFormatVectorFunc)
133 static QBasicMutex settingsGlobalMutex;
135 static QSettings::Format globalDefaultFormat = QSettings::NativeFormat;
137 QConfFile::QConfFile(const QString &fileName, bool _userPerms)
138  : name(fileName), size(0), ref(1), userPerms(_userPerms)
139 {
140  usedHashFunc()->insert(name, this);
141 }
144 {
145  if (usedHashFunc())
146  usedHashFunc()->remove(name);
147 }
150 {
154  for (i = removedKeys.begin(); i != removedKeys.end(); ++i)
155  result.remove(i.key());
156  for (i = addedKeys.begin(); i != addedKeys.end(); ++i)
157  result.insert(i.key(), i.value());
158  return result;
159 }
162 {
163  QFileInfo fileInfo(name);
166  if (fileInfo.exists()) {
167 #endif
168  QFile file(name);
169  return file.open(QFile::ReadWrite);
171  } else {
172  // Create the directories to the file.
173  QDir dir(fileInfo.absolutePath());
174  if (!dir.exists()) {
175  if (!dir.mkpath(dir.absolutePath()))
176  return false;
177  }
179  // we use a temporary file to avoid race conditions
181  return file.open();
182  }
183 #endif
184 }
187 {
190  ConfFileHash *usedHash = usedHashFunc();
191  ConfFileCache *unusedCache = unusedCacheFunc();
193  QConfFile *confFile = nullptr;
194  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(settingsGlobalMutex);
196  if (!(confFile = usedHash->value(absPath))) {
197  if ((confFile = unusedCache->take(absPath)))
198  usedHash->insert(absPath, confFile);
199  }
200  if (confFile) {
201  confFile->ref.ref();
202  return confFile;
203  }
204  return new QConfFile(absPath, _userPerms);
205 }
208 {
209  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(settingsGlobalMutex);
210  unusedCacheFunc()->clear();
211 }
213 // ************************************************************************
214 // QSettingsPrivate
217  : format(format), scope(QSettings::UserScope /* nothing better to put */), fallbacks(true),
218  pendingChanges(false), status(QSettings::NoError)
219 {
220 }
223  const QString &organization, const QString &application)
224  : format(format), scope(scope), organizationName(organization), applicationName(application),
225  fallbacks(true), pendingChanges(false), status(QSettings::NoError)
226 {
227 }
230 {
231 }
234 {
235  auto n = normalizedKey(key);
236  Q_ASSERT_X(!n.isEmpty(), "QSettings", "empty key");
237  return groupPrefix + n;
238 }
240 /*
241  Returns a string that never starts nor ends with a slash (or an
242  empty string). Examples:
244  "foo" becomes "foo"
245  "/foo//bar///" becomes "foo/bar"
246  "///" becomes ""
248  This function is optimized to avoid a QString deep copy in the
249  common case where the key is already normalized.
250 */
252 {
253  QString result = key;
255  int i = 0;
256  while (i < result.size()) {
257  while (result.at(i) == QLatin1Char('/')) {
258  result.remove(i, 1);
259  if (i == result.size())
260  goto after_loop;
261  }
262  while (result.at(i) != QLatin1Char('/')) {
263  ++i;
264  if (i == result.size())
265  return result;
266  }
267  ++i; // leave the slash alone
268  }
270 after_loop:
271  if (!result.isEmpty())
272  result.truncate(i - 1); // remove the trailing slash
273  return result;
274 }
276 // see also qsettings_win.cpp and qsettings_mac.cpp
278 #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC) && !defined(Q_OS_WASM)
280  const QString &organization, const QString &application)
281 {
282  return new QConfFileSettingsPrivate(format, scope, organization, application);
283 }
284 #endif
286 #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
288 {
290 }
291 #endif
294 {
295  if (spec != AllKeys) {
296  int slashPos = key.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
297  if (slashPos == -1) {
298  if (spec != ChildKeys)
299  return;
300  } else {
301  if (spec != ChildGroups)
302  return;
303  key.truncate(slashPos);
304  }
305  }
306  result.append(key.toString());
307 }
310 {
312  const QString name = group.name();
313  if (!name.isEmpty())
314  groupPrefix += name + QLatin1Char('/');
315 }
317 /*
318  We only set an error if there isn't one set already. This way the user always gets the
319  first error that occurred. We always allow clearing errors.
320 */
323 {
324  if (status == QSettings::NoError || this->status == QSettings::NoError)
325  this->status = status;
326 }
329 {
330  flush();
331  pendingChanges = false;
332 }
335 {
336  if (!pendingChanges) {
337  pendingChanges = true;
338 #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT
339  Q_Q(QSettings);
341 #else
342  update();
343 #endif
344  }
345 }
348 {
350  result.reserve(l.count());
351  QVariantList::const_iterator it = l.constBegin();
352  for (; it != l.constEnd(); ++it)
353  result.append(variantToString(*it));
354  return result;
355 }
358 {
359  QStringList outStringList = l;
360  for (int i = 0; i < outStringList.count(); ++i) {
361  const QString &str = outStringList.at(i);
363  if (str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('@'))) {
364  if (str.length() >= 2 && str.at(1) == QLatin1Char('@')) {
365  outStringList[i].remove(0, 1);
366  } else {
367  QVariantList variantList;
368  const int stringCount = l.count();
369  variantList.reserve(stringCount);
370  for (int j = 0; j < stringCount; ++j)
371  variantList.append(stringToVariant(l.at(j)));
372  return variantList;
373  }
374  }
375  }
376  return outStringList;
377 }
380 {
381  QString result;
383  switch (v.metaType().id()) {
385  result = QLatin1String("@Invalid()");
386  break;
388  case QMetaType::QByteArray: {
389  QByteArray a = v.toByteArray();
390  result = QLatin1String("@ByteArray(")
391  + QLatin1String(a.constData(), a.size())
392  + QLatin1Char(')');
393  break;
394  }
396 #if QT_CONFIG(shortcut)
397  case QMetaType::QKeySequence:
398 #endif
399  case QMetaType::QString:
400  case QMetaType::LongLong:
401  case QMetaType::ULongLong:
402  case QMetaType::Int:
403  case QMetaType::UInt:
404  case QMetaType::Bool:
405  case QMetaType::Float:
406  case QMetaType::Double: {
407  result = v.toString();
408  if (result.contains(QChar::Null))
409  result = QLatin1String("@String(") + result + QLatin1Char(')');
410  else if (result.startsWith(QLatin1Char('@')))
411  result.prepend(QLatin1Char('@'));
412  break;
413  }
414 #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
415  case QMetaType::QRect: {
416  QRect r = qvariant_cast<QRect>(v);
417  result = QString::asprintf("@Rect(%d %d %d %d)", r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
418  break;
419  }
420  case QMetaType::QSize: {
421  QSize s = qvariant_cast<QSize>(v);
422  result = QString::asprintf("@Size(%d %d)", s.width(), s.height());
423  break;
424  }
425  case QMetaType::QPoint: {
426  QPoint p = qvariant_cast<QPoint>(v);
427  result = QString::asprintf("@Point(%d %d)", p.x(), p.y());
428  break;
429  }
430 #endif // !QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
432  default: {
433 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
435  const char *typeSpec;
436  if (v.userType() == QMetaType::QDateTime) {
438  typeSpec = "@DateTime(";
439  } else {
441  typeSpec = "@Variant(";
442  }
443  QByteArray a;
444  {
446  s.setVersion(version);
447  s << v;
448  }
450  result = QLatin1String(typeSpec)
451  + QLatin1String(a.constData(), a.size())
452  + QLatin1Char(')');
453 #else
454  Q_ASSERT(!"QSettings: Cannot save custom types without QDataStream support");
455 #endif
456  break;
457  }
458  }
460  return result;
461 }
465 {
466  if (s.startsWith(QLatin1Char('@'))) {
467  if (s.endsWith(QLatin1Char(')'))) {
468  if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@ByteArray("))) {
469  return QVariant(QStringView{s}.mid(11, s.size() - 12).toLatin1());
470  } else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@String("))) {
471  return QVariant(QStringView{s}.mid(8, s.size() - 9).toString());
472  } else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Variant("))
473  || s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@DateTime("))) {
474 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
476  int offset;
477  if (s.at(1) == QLatin1Char('D')) {
479  offset = 10;
480  } else {
482  offset = 9;
483  }
486  stream.setVersion(version);
488  stream >> result;
489  return result;
490 #else
491  Q_ASSERT(!"QSettings: Cannot load custom types without QDataStream support");
492 #endif
493 #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
494  } else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Rect("))) {
496  if (args.size() == 4)
497  return QVariant(QRect(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt(), args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt()));
498  } else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Size("))) {
500  if (args.size() == 2)
501  return QVariant(QSize(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt()));
502  } else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Point("))) {
504  if (args.size() == 2)
505  return QVariant(QPoint(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt()));
506 #endif
507  } else if (s == QLatin1String("@Invalid()")) {
508  return QVariant();
509  }
511  }
512  if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@@")))
513  return QVariant(s.mid(1));
514  }
516  return QVariant(s);
517 }
520 {
521  result.reserve(result.length() + key.length() * 3 / 2);
522  for (int i = 0; i < key.size(); ++i) {
523  uint ch = key.at(i).unicode();
525  if (ch == '/') {
526  result += '\\';
527  } else if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
528  || ch == '_' || ch == '-' || ch == '.') {
529  result += (char)ch;
530  } else if (ch <= 0xFF) {
531  result += '%';
534  } else {
535  result += "%U";
536  QByteArray hexCode;
537  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
538  hexCode.prepend(QtMiscUtils::toHexUpper(ch % 16));
539  ch >>= 4;
540  }
541  result += hexCode;
542  }
543  }
544 }
547 {
548  bool lowercaseOnly = true;
549  int i = from;
550  result.reserve(result.length() + (to - from));
551  while (i < to) {
552  char16_t ch = (uchar)key.at(i);
554  if (ch == '\\') {
555  result += QLatin1Char('/');
556  ++i;
557  continue;
558  }
560  if (ch != '%' || i == to - 1) {
561  if (uint(ch - 'A') <= 'Z' - 'A') // only for ASCII
562  lowercaseOnly = false;
563  result += ch;
564  ++i;
565  continue;
566  }
568  int numDigits = 2;
569  int firstDigitPos = i + 1;
571  ch = key.at(i + 1);
572  if (ch == 'U') {
573  ++firstDigitPos;
574  numDigits = 4;
575  }
577  if (firstDigitPos + numDigits > to) {
578  result += QLatin1Char('%');
579  // ### missing U
580  ++i;
581  continue;
582  }
584  bool ok;
585  ch = key.mid(firstDigitPos, numDigits).toUShort(&ok, 16);
586  if (!ok) {
587  result += QLatin1Char('%');
588  // ### missing U
589  ++i;
590  continue;
591  }
593  QChar qch(ch);
594  if (qch.isUpper())
595  lowercaseOnly = false;
596  result += qch;
597  i = firstDigitPos + numDigits;
598  }
599  return lowercaseOnly;
600 }
603 {
604  bool needsQuotes = false;
605  bool escapeNextIfDigit = false;
606  bool useCodec = !str.startsWith(QLatin1String("@ByteArray("))
607  && !str.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Variant("))
608  && !str.startsWith(QLatin1String("@DateTime("));
610  int i;
611  int startPos = result.size();
615  result.reserve(startPos + str.size() * 3 / 2);
616  const QChar *unicode = str.unicode();
617  for (i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
618  uint ch = unicode[i].unicode();
619  if (ch == ';' || ch == ',' || ch == '=')
620  needsQuotes = true;
622  if (escapeNextIfDigit
623  && ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
624  || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
625  || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F'))) {
626  result += "\\x" + QByteArray::number(ch, 16);
627  continue;
628  }
630  escapeNextIfDigit = false;
632  switch (ch) {
633  case '\0':
634  result += "\\0";
635  escapeNextIfDigit = true;
636  break;
637  case '\a':
638  result += "\\a";
639  break;
640  case '\b':
641  result += "\\b";
642  break;
643  case '\f':
644  result += "\\f";
645  break;
646  case '\n':
647  result += "\\n";
648  break;
649  case '\r':
650  result += "\\r";
651  break;
652  case '\t':
653  result += "\\t";
654  break;
655  case '\v':
656  result += "\\v";
657  break;
658  case '"':
659  case '\\':
660  result += '\\';
661  result += (char)ch;
662  break;
663  default:
664  if (ch <= 0x1F || (ch >= 0x7F && !useCodec)) {
665  result += "\\x" + QByteArray::number(ch, 16);
666  escapeNextIfDigit = true;
667  } else if (useCodec) {
668  // slow
669  result += toUtf8(unicode[i]);
670  } else {
671  result += (char)ch;
672  }
673  }
674  }
676  if (needsQuotes
677  || (startPos < result.size() && (result.at(startPos) == ' '
678  || result.at(result.size() - 1) == ' '))) {
679  result.insert(startPos, '"');
680  result += '"';
681  }
682 }
684 inline static void iniChopTrailingSpaces(QString &str, int limit)
685 {
686  int n = str.size() - 1;
687  QChar ch;
688  while (n >= limit && ((ch = str.at(n)) == QLatin1Char(' ') || ch == QLatin1Char('\t')))
689  str.truncate(n--);
690 }
693 {
694  if (strs.isEmpty()) {
695  /*
696  We need to distinguish between empty lists and one-item
697  lists that contain an empty string. Ideally, we'd have a
698  @EmptyList() symbol but that would break compatibility
699  with Qt 4.0. @Invalid() stands for QVariant(), and
700  QVariant().toStringList() returns an empty QStringList,
701  so we're in good shape.
702  */
703  result += "@Invalid()";
704  } else {
705  for (int i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++i) {
706  if (i != 0)
707  result += ", ";
708  iniEscapedString(strs.at(i), result);
709  }
710  }
711 }
714  QString &stringResult, QStringList &stringListResult)
715 {
716  static const char escapeCodes[][2] =
717  {
718  { 'a', '\a' },
719  { 'b', '\b' },
720  { 'f', '\f' },
721  { 'n', '\n' },
722  { 'r', '\r' },
723  { 't', '\t' },
724  { 'v', '\v' },
725  { '"', '"' },
726  { '?', '?' },
727  { '\'', '\'' },
728  { '\\', '\\' }
729  };
731  bool isStringList = false;
732  bool inQuotedString = false;
733  bool currentValueIsQuoted = false;
734  char16_t escapeVal = 0;
735  int i = from;
736  char ch;
739 StSkipSpaces:
740  while (i < to && ((ch = str.at(i)) == ' ' || ch == '\t'))
741  ++i;
742  // fallthrough
744 StNormal:
745  int chopLimit = stringResult.length();
746  while (i < to) {
747  switch (str.at(i)) {
748  case '\\':
749  ++i;
750  if (i >= to)
751  goto end;
753  ch = str.at(i++);
754  for (const auto &escapeCode : escapeCodes) {
755  if (ch == escapeCode[0]) {
756  stringResult += QLatin1Char(escapeCode[1]);
757  goto StNormal;
758  }
759  }
761  if (ch == 'x') {
762  escapeVal = 0;
764  if (i >= to)
765  goto end;
767  ch = str.at(i);
768  if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f'))
769  goto StHexEscape;
770  } else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '7') {
771  escapeVal = ch - '0';
772  goto StOctEscape;
773  } else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
774  if (i < to) {
775  char ch2 = str.at(i);
776  // \n, \r, \r\n, and \n\r are legitimate line terminators in INI files
777  if ((ch2 == '\n' || ch2 == '\r') && ch2 != ch)
778  ++i;
779  }
780  } else {
781  // the character is skipped
782  }
783  chopLimit = stringResult.length();
784  break;
785  case '"':
786  ++i;
787  currentValueIsQuoted = true;
788  inQuotedString = !inQuotedString;
789  if (!inQuotedString)
790  goto StSkipSpaces;
791  break;
792  case ',':
793  if (!inQuotedString) {
794  if (!currentValueIsQuoted)
795  iniChopTrailingSpaces(stringResult, chopLimit);
796  if (!isStringList) {
797  isStringList = true;
798  stringListResult.clear();
799  stringResult.squeeze();
800  }
801  stringListResult.append(stringResult);
802  stringResult.clear();
803  currentValueIsQuoted = false;
804  ++i;
805  goto StSkipSpaces;
806  }
808  default: {
809  int j = i + 1;
810  while (j < to) {
811  ch = str.at(j);
812  if (ch == '\\' || ch == '"' || ch == ',')
813  break;
814  ++j;
815  }
817  stringResult += fromUtf8(QByteArrayView(str).first(j).sliced(i));
818  i = j;
819  }
820  }
821  }
822  if (!currentValueIsQuoted)
823  iniChopTrailingSpaces(stringResult, chopLimit);
824  goto end;
826 StHexEscape:
827  if (i >= to) {
828  stringResult += escapeVal;
829  goto end;
830  }
832  ch = str.at(i);
833  if (ch >= 'a')
834  ch -= 'a' - 'A';
835  if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')) {
836  escapeVal <<= 4;
837  escapeVal += QtMiscUtils::fromHex(ch);
838  ++i;
839  goto StHexEscape;
840  } else {
841  stringResult += escapeVal;
842  goto StNormal;
843  }
845 StOctEscape:
846  if (i >= to) {
847  stringResult += escapeVal;
848  goto end;
849  }
851  ch = str.at(i);
852  if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '7') {
853  escapeVal <<= 3;
854  escapeVal += ch - '0';
855  ++i;
856  goto StOctEscape;
857  } else {
858  stringResult += escapeVal;
859  goto StNormal;
860  }
862 end:
863  if (isStringList)
864  stringListResult.append(stringResult);
865  return isStringList;
866 }
869 {
870  int l = s.length();
871  Q_ASSERT(l > 0);
872  Q_ASSERT(s.at(idx) == QLatin1Char('('));
873  Q_ASSERT(s.at(l - 1) == QLatin1Char(')'));
876  QString item;
878  for (++idx; idx < l; ++idx) {
879  QChar c = s.at(idx);
880  if (c == QLatin1Char(')')) {
881  Q_ASSERT(idx == l - 1);
882  result.append(item);
883  } else if (c == QLatin1Char(' ')) {
884  result.append(item);
885  item.clear();
886  } else {
887  item.append(c);
888  }
889  }
891  return result;
892 }
894 // ************************************************************************
895 // QConfFileSettingsPrivate
897 void QConfFileSettingsPrivate::initFormat()
898 {
899  extension = (format == QSettings::NativeFormat) ? QLatin1String(".conf") : QLatin1String(".ini");
900  readFunc = nullptr;
901  writeFunc = nullptr;
902 #if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
903  caseSensitivity = (format == QSettings::NativeFormat) ? Qt::CaseSensitive : IniCaseSensitivity;
904 #else
905  caseSensitivity = IniCaseSensitivity;
906 #endif
909  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(settingsGlobalMutex);
910  const CustomFormatVector *customFormatVector = customFormatVectorFunc();
912  int i = (int)format - (int)QSettings::CustomFormat1;
913  if (i >= 0 && i < customFormatVector->size()) {
914  QConfFileCustomFormat info = customFormatVector->at(i);
915  extension = info.extension;
916  readFunc = info.readFunc;
917  writeFunc = info.writeFunc;
918  caseSensitivity = info.caseSensitivity;
919  }
920  }
921 }
923 void QConfFileSettingsPrivate::initAccess()
924 {
925  if (!confFiles.isEmpty()) {
927  if (!readFunc)
929  }
930  }
932  sync(); // loads the files the first time
933 }
935 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
936 static QString windowsConfigPath(const KNOWNFOLDERID &type)
937 {
938  QString result;
940  PWSTR path = nullptr;
941  if (SHGetKnownFolderPath(type, KF_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY, NULL, &path) == S_OK) {
943  CoTaskMemFree(path);
944  }
946  if (result.isEmpty()) {
947  if (type == FOLDERID_ProgramData) {
948  result = QLatin1String("C:\\temp\\qt-common");
949  } else if (type == FOLDERID_RoamingAppData) {
950  result = QLatin1String("C:\\temp\\qt-user");
951  }
952  }
954  return result;
955 }
956 #endif // Q_OS_WIN
958 static inline int pathHashKey(QSettings::Format format, QSettings::Scope scope)
959 {
960  return int((uint(format) << 1) | uint(scope == QSettings::SystemScope));
961 }
963 #ifndef Q_OS_WIN
964 static QString make_user_path()
965 {
966  static constexpr QChar sep = QLatin1Char('/');
968  // Non XDG platforms (OS X, iOS, Android...) have used this code path erroneously
969  // for some time now. Moving away from that would require migrating existing settings.
970  QByteArray env = qgetenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
971  if (env.isEmpty()) {
972  return QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/.config/");
973  } else if (env.startsWith('/')) {
974  return QFile::decodeName(env) + sep;
975  } else {
976  return QDir::homePath() + sep + QFile::decodeName(env) + sep;
977  }
978 #else
979  // When using a proper XDG platform, use QStandardPaths rather than the above hand-written code;
980  // it makes the use of test mode from unit tests possible.
981  // Ideally all platforms should use this, but see above for the migration issue.
983 #endif
984 }
985 #endif // !Q_OS_WIN
987 static std::unique_lock<QBasicMutex> initDefaultPaths(std::unique_lock<QBasicMutex> locker)
988 {
989  PathHash *pathHash = pathHashFunc();
991  locker.unlock();
993  /*
994  QLibraryInfo::path() uses QSettings, so in order to
995  avoid a dead-lock, we can't hold the global mutex while
996  calling it.
997  */
1000  locker.lock();
1001  if (pathHash->isEmpty()) {
1002  /*
1003  Lazy initialization of pathHash. We initialize the
1004  IniFormat paths and (on Unix) the NativeFormat paths.
1005  (The NativeFormat paths are not configurable for the
1006  Windows registry and the Mac CFPreferences.)
1007  */
1008 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
1009  const QString roamingAppDataFolder = windowsConfigPath(FOLDERID_RoamingAppData);
1010  const QString programDataFolder = windowsConfigPath(FOLDERID_ProgramData);
1011  pathHash->insert(pathHashKey(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope),
1012  Path(roamingAppDataFolder + QDir::separator(), false));
1013  pathHash->insert(pathHashKey(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::SystemScope),
1014  Path(programDataFolder + QDir::separator(), false));
1015 #else
1016  const QString userPath = make_user_path();
1017  pathHash->insert(pathHashKey(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope), Path(userPath, false));
1018  pathHash->insert(pathHashKey(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::SystemScope), Path(systemPath, false));
1019 #ifndef Q_OS_MAC
1020  pathHash->insert(pathHashKey(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope), Path(userPath, false));
1021  pathHash->insert(pathHashKey(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::SystemScope), Path(systemPath, false));
1022 #endif
1023 #endif // Q_OS_WIN
1024  }
1026  return locker;
1027 }
1029 static Path getPath(QSettings::Format format, QSettings::Scope scope)
1030 {
1031  Q_ASSERT((int)QSettings::NativeFormat == 0);
1032  Q_ASSERT((int)QSettings::IniFormat == 1);
1034  auto locker = qt_unique_lock(settingsGlobalMutex);
1035  PathHash *pathHash = pathHashFunc();
1036  if (pathHash->isEmpty())
1037  locker = initDefaultPaths(std::move(locker));
1039  Path result = pathHash->value(pathHashKey(format, scope));
1040  if (!result.path.isEmpty())
1041  return result;
1043  // fall back on INI path
1044  return pathHash->value(pathHashKey(QSettings::IniFormat, scope));
1045 }
1047 #if defined(QT_BUILD_INTERNAL) && defined(Q_XDG_PLATFORM) && !defined(QT_NO_STANDARDPATHS)
1048 // Note: Suitable only for autotests.
1049 void Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT clearDefaultPaths()
1050 {
1051  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(settingsGlobalMutex);
1052  pathHashFunc()->clear();
1053 }
1057  QSettings::Scope scope,
1058  const QString &organization,
1059  const QString &application)
1060  : QSettingsPrivate(format, scope, organization, application),
1061  nextPosition(0x40000000) // big positive number
1062 {
1063  initFormat();
1065  QString org = organization;
1066  if (org.isEmpty()) {
1068  org = QLatin1String("Unknown Organization");
1069  }
1071  QString appFile = org + QDir::separator() + application + extension;
1072  QString orgFile = org + extension;
1074  if (scope == QSettings::UserScope) {
1075  Path userPath = getPath(format, QSettings::UserScope);
1076  if (!application.isEmpty())
1077  confFiles.append(QConfFile::fromName(userPath.path + appFile, true));
1078  confFiles.append(QConfFile::fromName(userPath.path + orgFile, true));
1079  }
1081  Path systemPath = getPath(format, QSettings::SystemScope);
1082 #if defined(Q_XDG_PLATFORM) && !defined(QT_NO_STANDARDPATHS)
1083  // check if the systemPath wasn't overridden by QSettings::setPath()
1084  if (!systemPath.userDefined) {
1085  // Note: We can't use QStandardPaths::locateAll() as we need all the
1086  // possible files (not just the existing ones) and there is no way
1087  // to exclude user specific (XDG_CONFIG_HOME) directory from the search.
1089  // remove the QStandardLocation::writableLocation() (XDG_CONFIG_HOME)
1090  if (!dirs.isEmpty())
1091  dirs.takeFirst();
1093  if (!application.isEmpty()) {
1094  paths.reserve(dirs.size() * 2);
1095  for (const auto &dir : qAsConst(dirs))
1096  paths.append(dir + QLatin1Char('/') + appFile);
1097  } else {
1098  paths.reserve(dirs.size());
1099  }
1100  for (const auto &dir : qAsConst(dirs))
1101  paths.append(dir + QLatin1Char('/') + orgFile);
1103  // Note: No check for existence of files is done intentionally.
1104  for (const auto &path : qAsConst(paths))
1105  confFiles.append(QConfFile::fromName(path, false));
1106  } else
1108  {
1109  if (!application.isEmpty())
1110  confFiles.append(QConfFile::fromName(systemPath.path + appFile, false));
1111  confFiles.append(QConfFile::fromName(systemPath.path + orgFile, false));
1112  }
1114 #ifndef Q_OS_WASM // wasm needs to delay access until after file sync
1115  initAccess();
1116 #endif
1117 }
1122  nextPosition(0x40000000) // big positive number
1123 {
1124  initFormat();
1126  confFiles.append(QConfFile::fromName(fileName, true));
1128  initAccess();
1129 }
1132 {
1133  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(settingsGlobalMutex);
1134  ConfFileHash *usedHash = usedHashFunc();
1135  ConfFileCache *unusedCache = unusedCacheFunc();
1137  for (auto conf_file : qAsConst(confFiles)) {
1138  if (!conf_file->ref.deref()) {
1139  if (conf_file->size == 0) {
1140  delete conf_file;
1141  } else {
1142  if (usedHash)
1143  usedHash->remove(conf_file->name);
1144  if (unusedCache) {
1145  QT_TRY {
1146  // compute a better size?
1147  unusedCache->insert(conf_file->name, conf_file,
1148  10 + (conf_file->originalKeys.size() / 4));
1149  } QT_CATCH(...) {
1150  // out of memory. Do not cache the file.
1151  delete conf_file;
1152  }
1153  } else {
1154  // unusedCache is gone - delete the entry to prevent a memory leak
1155  delete conf_file;
1156  }
1157  }
1158  }
1159  }
1160 }
1163 {
1164  if (confFiles.isEmpty())
1165  return;
1167  // Note: First config file is always the most specific.
1168  QConfFile *confFile = confFiles.at(0);
1170  QSettingsKey theKey(key, caseSensitivity);
1171  QSettingsKey prefix(key + QLatin1Char('/'), caseSensitivity);
1172  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(confFile->mutex);
1174  ensureSectionParsed(confFile, theKey);
1175  ensureSectionParsed(confFile, prefix);
1177  ParsedSettingsMap::iterator i = confFile->addedKeys.lowerBound(prefix);
1178  while (i != confFile->addedKeys.end() && i.key().startsWith(prefix))
1179  i = confFile->addedKeys.erase(i);
1180  confFile->addedKeys.remove(theKey);
1182  ParsedSettingsMap::const_iterator j = const_cast<const ParsedSettingsMap *>(&confFile->originalKeys)->lowerBound(prefix);
1183  while (j != confFile->originalKeys.constEnd() && j.key().startsWith(prefix)) {
1184  confFile->removedKeys.insert(j.key(), QVariant());
1185  ++j;
1186  }
1187  if (confFile->originalKeys.contains(theKey))
1188  confFile->removedKeys.insert(theKey, QVariant());
1189 }
1192 {
1193  if (confFiles.isEmpty())
1194  return;
1196  // Note: First config file is always the most specific.
1197  QConfFile *confFile = confFiles.at(0);
1199  QSettingsKey theKey(key, caseSensitivity, nextPosition++);
1200  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(confFile->mutex);
1201  confFile->removedKeys.remove(theKey);
1202  confFile->addedKeys.insert(theKey, value);
1203 }
1205 std::optional<QVariant> QConfFileSettingsPrivate::get(const QString &key) const
1206 {
1207  QSettingsKey theKey(key, caseSensitivity);
1209  bool found = false;
1211  for (auto confFile : qAsConst(confFiles)) {
1212  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(confFile->mutex);
1214  if (!confFile->addedKeys.isEmpty()) {
1215  j = confFile->addedKeys.constFind(theKey);
1216  found = (j != confFile->addedKeys.constEnd());
1217  }
1218  if (!found) {
1219  ensureSectionParsed(confFile, theKey);
1220  j = confFile->originalKeys.constFind(theKey);
1221  found = (j != confFile->originalKeys.constEnd()
1222  && !confFile->removedKeys.contains(theKey));
1223  }
1225  if (found)
1226  return *j;
1227  if (!fallbacks)
1228  break;
1229  }
1230  return std::nullopt;
1231 }
1234 {
1238  QSettingsKey thePrefix(prefix, caseSensitivity);
1239  int startPos = prefix.size();
1241  for (auto confFile : qAsConst(confFiles)) {
1242  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(confFile->mutex);
1244  if (thePrefix.isEmpty())
1245  ensureAllSectionsParsed(confFile);
1246  else
1247  ensureSectionParsed(confFile, thePrefix);
1249  j = const_cast<const ParsedSettingsMap *>(
1250  &confFile->originalKeys)->lowerBound( thePrefix);
1251  while (j != confFile->originalKeys.constEnd() && j.key().startsWith(thePrefix)) {
1252  if (!confFile->removedKeys.contains(j.key()))
1253  processChild(QStringView{j.key().originalCaseKey()}.mid(startPos), spec, result);
1254  ++j;
1255  }
1257  j = const_cast<const ParsedSettingsMap *>(
1258  &confFile->addedKeys)->lowerBound(thePrefix);
1259  while (j != confFile->addedKeys.constEnd() && j.key().startsWith(thePrefix)) {
1260  processChild(QStringView{j.key().originalCaseKey()}.mid(startPos), spec, result);
1261  ++j;
1262  }
1264  if (!fallbacks)
1265  break;
1266  }
1267  std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
1268  result.erase(std::unique(result.begin(), result.end()),
1269  result.end());
1270  return result;
1271 }
1274 {
1275  if (confFiles.isEmpty())
1276  return;
1278  // Note: First config file is always the most specific.
1279  QConfFile *confFile = confFiles.at(0);
1281  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(confFile->mutex);
1282  ensureAllSectionsParsed(confFile);
1283  confFile->addedKeys.clear();
1284  confFile->removedKeys = confFile->originalKeys;
1285 }
1288 {
1289  // people probably won't be checking the status a whole lot, so in case of
1290  // error we just try to go on and make the best of it
1292  for (auto confFile : qAsConst(confFiles)) {
1293  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(confFile->mutex);
1294  syncConfFile(confFile);
1295  }
1296 }
1299 {
1300  sync();
1301 }
1304 {
1305  if (confFiles.isEmpty())
1306  return QString();
1308  // Note: First config file is always the most specific.
1309  return confFiles.at(0)->name;
1310 }
1313 {
1314  if (format > QSettings::IniFormat && !writeFunc)
1315  return false;
1317  if (confFiles.isEmpty())
1318  return false;
1320  return confFiles.at(0)->isWritable();
1321 }
1323 void QConfFileSettingsPrivate::syncConfFile(QConfFile *confFile)
1324 {
1325  bool readOnly = confFile->addedKeys.isEmpty() && confFile->removedKeys.isEmpty();
1327  /*
1328  We can often optimize the read-only case, if the file on disk
1329  hasn't changed.
1330  */
1331  if (readOnly && confFile->size > 0) {
1332  QFileInfo fileInfo(confFile->name);
1333  if (confFile->size == fileInfo.size() && confFile->timeStamp == fileInfo.lastModified())
1334  return;
1335  }
1337  if (!readOnly && !confFile->isWritable()) {
1339  return;
1340  }
1342 #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
1343  /*
1344  Use a lockfile in order to protect us against other QSettings instances
1345  trying to write the same settings at the same time.
1347  We only need to lock if we are actually writing as only concurrent writes are a problem.
1348  Concurrent read and write are not a problem because the writing operation is atomic.
1349  */
1350  QLockFile lockFile(confFile->name + QLatin1String(".lock"));
1351  if (!readOnly && !lockFile.lock() && atomicSyncOnly) {
1353  return;
1354  }
1355 #endif
1357  /*
1358  We hold the lock. Let's reread the file if it has changed
1359  since last time we read it.
1360  */
1361  QFileInfo fileInfo(confFile->name);
1362  bool mustReadFile = true;
1363  bool createFile = !fileInfo.exists();
1365  if (!readOnly)
1366  mustReadFile = (confFile->size != fileInfo.size()
1367  || (confFile->size != 0 && confFile->timeStamp != fileInfo.lastModified()));
1369  if (mustReadFile) {
1370  confFile->unparsedIniSections.clear();
1371  confFile->originalKeys.clear();
1373  QFile file(confFile->name);
1374  if (!createFile && !file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
1376  return;
1377  }
1379  /*
1380  Files that we can't read (because of permissions or
1381  because they don't exist) are treated as empty files.
1382  */
1383  if (file.isReadable() && file.size() != 0) {
1384  bool ok = false;
1385 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
1388  ok = readPlistFile(data, &confFile->originalKeys);
1389  } else
1390 #endif
1391  if (format <= QSettings::IniFormat) {
1393  ok = readIniFile(data, &confFile->unparsedIniSections);
1394  } else if (readFunc) {
1395  QSettings::SettingsMap tempNewKeys;
1396  ok = readFunc(file, tempNewKeys);
1398  if (ok) {
1400  while (i != tempNewKeys.constEnd()) {
1401  confFile->originalKeys.insert(QSettingsKey(i.key(), caseSensitivity),
1402  i.value());
1403  ++i;
1404  }
1405  }
1406  }
1408  if (!ok)
1410  }
1412  confFile->size = fileInfo.size();
1413  confFile->timeStamp = fileInfo.lastModified();
1414  }
1416  /*
1417  We also need to save the file. We still hold the file lock,
1418  so everything is under control.
1419  */
1420  if (!readOnly) {
1421  bool ok = false;
1422  ensureAllSectionsParsed(confFile);
1423  ParsedSettingsMap mergedKeys = confFile->mergedKeyMap();
1425 #if !defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED) && QT_CONFIG(temporaryfile)
1426  QSaveFile sf(confFile->name);
1427  sf.setDirectWriteFallback(!atomicSyncOnly);
1428 #else
1429  QFile sf(confFile->name);
1430 #endif
1431  if (!sf.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
1433  return;
1434  }
1436 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
1438  ok = writePlistFile(sf, mergedKeys);
1439  } else
1440 #endif
1441  if (format <= QSettings::IniFormat) {
1442  ok = writeIniFile(sf, mergedKeys);
1443  } else if (writeFunc) {
1444  QSettings::SettingsMap tempOriginalKeys;
1447  while (i != mergedKeys.constEnd()) {
1448  tempOriginalKeys.insert(i.key(), i.value());
1449  ++i;
1450  }
1451  ok = writeFunc(sf, tempOriginalKeys);
1452  }
1454 #if !defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED) && QT_CONFIG(temporaryfile)
1455  if (ok)
1456  ok = sf.commit();
1457 #endif
1459  if (ok) {
1460  confFile->unparsedIniSections.clear();
1461  confFile->originalKeys = mergedKeys;
1462  confFile->addedKeys.clear();
1463  confFile->removedKeys.clear();
1465  QFileInfo fileInfo(confFile->name);
1466  confFile->size = fileInfo.size();
1467  confFile->timeStamp = fileInfo.lastModified();
1469  // If we have created the file, apply the file perms
1470  if (createFile) {
1471  QFile::Permissions perms = fileInfo.permissions() | QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner;
1472  if (!confFile->userPerms)
1474  QFile(confFile->name).setPermissions(perms);
1475  }
1476  } else {
1478  }
1479  }
1480 }
1482 enum { Space = 0x1, Special = 0x2 };
1484 static const char charTraits[256] =
1485 {
1486  // Space: '\t', '\n', '\r', ' '
1487  // Special: '\n', '\r', '"', ';', '=', '\\'
1489  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Space, Space | Special, 0, 0, Space | Special, 0, 0,
1490  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1491  Space, 0, Special, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1492  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Special, 0, Special, 0, 0,
1493  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1494  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Special, 0, 0, 0,
1495  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1496  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1498  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1499  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1500  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1501  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1502  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1503  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1504  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1505  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
1506 };
1509  int &lineStart, int &lineLen, int &equalsPos)
1510 {
1511  int dataLen = data.length();
1512  bool inQuotes = false;
1514  equalsPos = -1;
1516  lineStart = dataPos;
1517  while (lineStart < dataLen && (charTraits[uint(uchar(data.at(lineStart)))] & Space))
1518  ++lineStart;
1520  int i = lineStart;
1521  while (i < dataLen) {
1522  char ch = data.at(i);
1523  while (!(charTraits[uchar(ch)] & Special)) {
1524  if (++i == dataLen)
1525  goto break_out_of_outer_loop;
1526  ch = data.at(i);
1527  }
1529  ++i;
1530  if (ch == '=') {
1531  if (!inQuotes && equalsPos == -1)
1532  equalsPos = i - 1;
1533  } else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
1534  if (i == lineStart + 1) {
1535  ++lineStart;
1536  } else if (!inQuotes) {
1537  --i;
1538  goto break_out_of_outer_loop;
1539  }
1540  } else if (ch == '\\') {
1541  if (i < dataLen) {
1542  char ch = data.at(i++);
1543  if (i < dataLen) {
1544  char ch2 = data.at(i);
1545  // \n, \r, \r\n, and \n\r are legitimate line terminators in INI files
1546  if ((ch == '\n' && ch2 == '\r') || (ch == '\r' && ch2 == '\n'))
1547  ++i;
1548  }
1549  }
1550  } else if (ch == '"') {
1551  inQuotes = !inQuotes;
1552  } else {
1553  Q_ASSERT(ch == ';');
1555  if (i == lineStart + 1) {
1556  while (i < dataLen && (((ch = data.at(i)) != '\n') && ch != '\r'))
1557  ++i;
1558  while (i < dataLen && charTraits[uchar(data.at(i))] & Space)
1559  ++i;
1560  lineStart = i;
1561  } else if (!inQuotes) {
1562  --i;
1563  goto break_out_of_outer_loop;
1564  }
1565  }
1566  }
1568 break_out_of_outer_loop:
1569  dataPos = i;
1570  lineLen = i - lineStart;
1571  return lineLen > 0;
1572 }
1574 /*
1575  Returns \c false on parse error. However, as many keys are read as
1576  possible, so if the user doesn't check the status he will get the
1577  most out of the file anyway.
1578 */
1580  UnparsedSettingsMap *unparsedIniSections)
1581 {
1582 #define FLUSH_CURRENT_SECTION() \
1583  { \
1584  QByteArray &sectionData = (*unparsedIniSections)[QSettingsKey(currentSection, \
1585  IniCaseSensitivity, \
1586  sectionPosition)]; \
1587  if (!sectionData.isEmpty()) \
1588  sectionData.append('\n'); \
1589  sectionData += data.mid(currentSectionStart, lineStart - currentSectionStart); \
1590  sectionPosition = ++position; \
1591  }
1593  QString currentSection;
1594  int currentSectionStart = 0;
1595  int dataPos = 0;
1596  int lineStart;
1597  int lineLen;
1598  int equalsPos;
1599  int position = 0;
1600  int sectionPosition = 0;
1601  bool ok = true;
1603  // skip potential utf8 BOM
1604  const uchar *dd = (const uchar *)data.constData();
1605  if (data.size() >= 3 && dd[0] == 0xef && dd[1] == 0xbb && dd[2] == 0xbf)
1606  dataPos = 3;
1608  while (readIniLine(data, dataPos, lineStart, lineLen, equalsPos)) {
1609  char ch = data.at(lineStart);
1610  if (ch == '[') {
1613  // this is a section
1614  QByteArray iniSection;
1615  int idx = data.indexOf(']', lineStart);
1616  if (idx == -1 || idx >= lineStart + lineLen) {
1617  ok = false;
1618  iniSection = data.mid(lineStart + 1, lineLen - 1);
1619  } else {
1620  iniSection = data.mid(lineStart + 1, idx - lineStart - 1);
1621  }
1623  iniSection = iniSection.trimmed();
1625  if (iniSection.compare("general", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
1626  currentSection.clear();
1627  } else {
1628  if (iniSection.compare("%general", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
1629  currentSection = QLatin1String(iniSection.constData() + 1);
1630  } else {
1631  currentSection.clear();
1632  iniUnescapedKey(iniSection, 0, iniSection.size(), currentSection);
1633  }
1634  currentSection += QLatin1Char('/');
1635  }
1636  currentSectionStart = dataPos;
1637  }
1638  ++position;
1639  }
1641  Q_ASSERT(lineStart == data.length());
1644  return ok;
1647 }
1650  ParsedSettingsMap *settingsMap)
1651 {
1652  QStringList strListValue;
1653  bool sectionIsLowercase = (section == section.originalCaseKey());
1654  int equalsPos;
1656  bool ok = true;
1657  int dataPos = 0;
1658  int lineStart;
1659  int lineLen;
1660  int position = section.originalKeyPosition();
1662  while (readIniLine(data, dataPos, lineStart, lineLen, equalsPos)) {
1663  char ch = data.at(lineStart);
1664  Q_ASSERT(ch != '[');
1666  if (equalsPos == -1) {
1667  if (ch != ';')
1668  ok = false;
1669  continue;
1670  }
1672  int keyEnd = equalsPos;
1673  while (keyEnd > lineStart && ((ch = data.at(keyEnd - 1)) == ' ' || ch == '\t'))
1674  --keyEnd;
1675  int valueStart = equalsPos + 1;
1677  QString key = section.originalCaseKey();
1678  bool keyIsLowercase = (iniUnescapedKey(data, lineStart, keyEnd, key) && sectionIsLowercase);
1680  QString strValue;
1681  strValue.reserve(lineLen - (valueStart - lineStart));
1682  bool isStringList = iniUnescapedStringList(data, valueStart, lineStart + lineLen,
1683  strValue, strListValue);
1684  QVariant variant;
1685  if (isStringList) {
1686  variant = stringListToVariantList(strListValue);
1687  } else {
1688  variant = stringToVariant(strValue);
1689  }
1691  /*
1692  We try to avoid the expensive toLower() call in
1693  QSettingsKey by passing Qt::CaseSensitive when the
1694  key is already in lowercase.
1695  */
1696  settingsMap->insert(QSettingsKey(key, keyIsLowercase ? Qt::CaseSensitive
1697  : IniCaseSensitivity,
1698  position),
1699  variant);
1700  ++position;
1701  }
1703  return ok;
1704 }
1706 class QSettingsIniKey : public QString
1707 {
1708 public:
1709  inline QSettingsIniKey() : position(-1) {}
1710  inline QSettingsIniKey(const QString &str, int pos = -1) : QString(str), position(pos) {}
1713 };
1716 static bool operator<(const QSettingsIniKey &k1, const QSettingsIniKey &k2)
1717 {
1718  if (k1.position != k2.position)
1719  return k1.position < k2.position;
1720  return static_cast<const QString &>(k1) < static_cast<const QString &>(k2);
1721 }
1726 {
1730  inline QSettingsIniSection() : position(-1) {}
1731 };
1737 /*
1738  This would be more straightforward if we didn't try to remember the original
1739  key order in the .ini file, but we do.
1740 */
1741 bool QConfFileSettingsPrivate::writeIniFile(QIODevice &device, const ParsedSettingsMap &map)
1742 {
1743  IniMap iniMap;
1746 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
1747  const char * const eol = "\r\n";
1748 #else
1749  const char eol = '\n';
1750 #endif
1753  QString section;
1754  QSettingsIniKey key(j.key().originalCaseKey(), j.key().originalKeyPosition());
1755  int slashPos;
1757  if ((slashPos = key.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/'))) != -1) {
1758  section = key.left(slashPos);
1759  key.remove(0, slashPos + 1);
1760  }
1762  QSettingsIniSection &iniSection = iniMap[section];
1764  // -1 means infinity
1765  if (uint(key.position) < uint(iniSection.position))
1766  iniSection.position = key.position;
1767  iniSection.keyMap[key] = j.value();
1768  }
1770  const int sectionCount = iniMap.size();
1771  QList<QSettingsIniKey> sections;
1772  sections.reserve(sectionCount);
1773  for (i = iniMap.constBegin(); i != iniMap.constEnd(); ++i)
1774  sections.append(QSettingsIniKey(i.key(), i.value().position));
1775  std::sort(sections.begin(), sections.end());
1777  bool writeError = false;
1778  for (int j = 0; !writeError && j < sectionCount; ++j) {
1779  i = iniMap.constFind(sections.at(j));
1780  Q_ASSERT(i != iniMap.constEnd());
1782  QByteArray realSection;
1784  iniEscapedKey(i.key(), realSection);
1786  if (realSection.isEmpty()) {
1787  realSection = "[General]";
1788  } else if (realSection.compare("general", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
1789  realSection = "[%General]";
1790  } else {
1791  realSection.prepend('[');
1792  realSection.append(']');
1793  }
1795  if (j != 0)
1796  realSection.prepend(eol);
1797  realSection += eol;
1799  device.write(realSection);
1801  const IniKeyMap &ents = i.value().keyMap;
1802  for (IniKeyMap::const_iterator j = ents.constBegin(); j != ents.constEnd(); ++j) {
1803  QByteArray block;
1804  iniEscapedKey(j.key(), block);
1805  block += '=';
1807  const QVariant &value = j.value();
1809  /*
1810  The size() != 1 trick is necessary because
1811  QVariant(QString("foo")).toList() returns an empty
1812  list, not a list containing "foo".
1813  */
1814  if (value.metaType().id() == QMetaType::QStringList
1815  || (value.metaType().id() == QMetaType::QVariantList && value.toList().size() != 1)) {
1817  } else {
1819  }
1820  block += eol;
1821  if (device.write(block) == -1) {
1822  writeError = true;
1823  break;
1824  }
1825  }
1826  }
1827  return !writeError;
1828 }
1830 void QConfFileSettingsPrivate::ensureAllSectionsParsed(QConfFile *confFile) const
1831 {
1835  for (; i != end; ++i) {
1836  if (!QConfFileSettingsPrivate::readIniSection(i.key(), i.value(), &confFile->originalKeys))
1838  }
1839  confFile->unparsedIniSections.clear();
1840 }
1842 void QConfFileSettingsPrivate::ensureSectionParsed(QConfFile *confFile,
1843  const QSettingsKey &key) const
1844 {
1845  if (confFile->unparsedIniSections.isEmpty())
1846  return;
1850  int indexOfSlash = key.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
1851  if (indexOfSlash != -1) {
1852  i = confFile->unparsedIniSections.upperBound(key);
1853  if (i == confFile->unparsedIniSections.begin())
1854  return;
1855  --i;
1856  if (i.key().isEmpty() || !key.startsWith(i.key()))
1857  return;
1858  } else {
1859  i = confFile->unparsedIniSections.begin();
1860  if (i == confFile->unparsedIniSections.end() || !i.key().isEmpty())
1861  return;
1862  }
1864  if (!QConfFileSettingsPrivate::readIniSection(i.key(), i.value(), &confFile->originalKeys))
1866  confFile->unparsedIniSections.erase(i);
1867 }
2467 #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT
2482 QSettings::QSettings(const QString &organization, const QString &application, QObject *parent)
2483  : QObject(*QSettingsPrivate::create(NativeFormat, UserScope, organization, application),
2484  parent)
2485 {
2486 }
2507 QSettings::QSettings(Scope scope, const QString &organization, const QString &application,
2508  QObject *parent)
2509  : QObject(*QSettingsPrivate::create(NativeFormat, scope, organization, application), parent)
2510 {
2511 }
2531 QSettings::QSettings(Format format, Scope scope, const QString &organization,
2532  const QString &application, QObject *parent)
2533  : QObject(*QSettingsPrivate::create(format, scope, organization, application), parent)
2534 {
2535 }
2569 {
2570 }
2608  : QSettings(UserScope, parent)
2609 {
2610 }
2621  : QObject(*QSettingsPrivate::create(globalDefaultFormat, scope,
2622 #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
2623  QCoreApplication::organizationDomain().isEmpty()
2624  ? QCoreApplication::organizationName()
2625  : QCoreApplication::organizationDomain()
2626 #else
2627  QCoreApplication::organizationName().isEmpty()
2628  ? QCoreApplication::organizationDomain()
2629  : QCoreApplication::organizationName()
2630 #endif
2631  , QCoreApplication::applicationName()),
2632  parent)
2633 {
2634 }
2636 #else
2637 QSettings::QSettings(const QString &organization, const QString &application)
2638  : d_ptr(QSettingsPrivate::create(globalDefaultFormat, QSettings::UserScope, organization, application))
2639 {
2640  d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
2641 }
2643 QSettings::QSettings(Scope scope, const QString &organization, const QString &application)
2644  : d_ptr(QSettingsPrivate::create(globalDefaultFormat, scope, organization, application))
2645 {
2646  d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
2647 }
2649 QSettings::QSettings(Format format, Scope scope, const QString &organization,
2650  const QString &application)
2651  : d_ptr(QSettingsPrivate::create(format, scope, organization, application))
2652 {
2653  d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
2654 }
2658 {
2659  d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
2660 }
2662 QSettings::QSettings(Scope scope)
2663  : d_ptr(QSettingsPrivate::create(globalDefaultFormat, scope,
2664 # ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
2665  QCoreApplication::organizationDomain().isEmpty()
2666  ? QCoreApplication::organizationName()
2667  : QCoreApplication::organizationDomain()
2668 # else
2669  QCoreApplication::organizationName().isEmpty()
2670  ? QCoreApplication::organizationDomain()
2671  : QCoreApplication::organizationName()
2672 # endif
2673  , QCoreApplication::applicationName())
2674  )
2675 {
2676  d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
2677 }
2678 #endif
2689 {
2690  Q_D(QSettings);
2691  if (d->pendingChanges) {
2692  // Don't cause a failing flush() to std::terminate() the whole
2693  // application - dtors are implicitly noexcept!
2694  QT_TRY {
2695  d->flush();
2696  } QT_CATCH(...) {
2697  }
2698  }
2699 }
2713 {
2714  Q_D(QSettings);
2715  d->clear();
2716  d->requestUpdate();
2717 }
2731 {
2732  Q_D(QSettings);
2733  d->sync();
2734  d->pendingChanges = false;
2735 }
2747 {
2748  Q_D(const QSettings);
2749  return d->fileName();
2750 }
2760 {
2761  Q_D(const QSettings);
2762  return d->format;
2763 }
2773 {
2774  Q_D(const QSettings);
2775  return d->scope;
2776 }
2786 {
2787  Q_D(const QSettings);
2788  return d->organizationName;
2789 }
2799 {
2800  Q_D(const QSettings);
2801  return d->applicationName;
2802 }
2815 {
2816  Q_D(const QSettings);
2817  return d->status;
2818 }
2832 {
2833  Q_D(const QSettings);
2834  return d->atomicSyncOnly;
2835 }
2859 {
2860  Q_D(QSettings);
2861  d->atomicSyncOnly = enable;
2862 }
2890 void QSettings::beginGroup(const QString &prefix)
2891 {
2892  Q_D(QSettings);
2893  d->beginGroupOrArray(QSettingsGroup(d->normalizedKey(prefix)));
2894 }
2907 {
2908  Q_D(QSettings);
2909  if (d->groupStack.isEmpty()) {
2910  qWarning("QSettings::endGroup: No matching beginGroup()");
2911  return;
2912  }
2914  QSettingsGroup group = d->groupStack.pop();
2915  int len = group.toString().size();
2916  if (len > 0)
2917  d->groupPrefix.truncate(d->groupPrefix.size() - (len + 1));
2919  if (group.isArray())
2920  qWarning("QSettings::endGroup: Expected endArray() instead");
2921 }
2929 {
2930  Q_D(const QSettings);
2931  return d->groupPrefix.left(d->groupPrefix.size() - 1);
2932 }
2947 {
2948  Q_D(QSettings);
2949  d->beginGroupOrArray(QSettingsGroup(d->normalizedKey(prefix), false));
2950  return value(QLatin1String("size")).toInt();
2951 }
2982 void QSettings::beginWriteArray(const QString &prefix, int size)
2983 {
2984  Q_D(QSettings);
2985  d->beginGroupOrArray(QSettingsGroup(d->normalizedKey(prefix), size < 0));
2987  if (size < 0)
2988  remove(QLatin1String("size"));
2989  else
2990  setValue(QLatin1String("size"), size);
2991 }
3000 {
3001  Q_D(QSettings);
3002  if (d->groupStack.isEmpty()) {
3003  qWarning("QSettings::endArray: No matching beginArray()");
3004  return;
3005  }
3007  QSettingsGroup group = d->groupStack.top();
3008  int len = group.toString().size();
3009  d->groupStack.pop();
3010  if (len > 0)
3011  d->groupPrefix.truncate(d->groupPrefix.size() - (len + 1));
3013  if (group.arraySizeGuess() != -1)
3014  setValue(group.name() + QLatin1String("/size"), group.arraySizeGuess());
3016  if (!group.isArray())
3017  qWarning("QSettings::endArray: Expected endGroup() instead");
3018 }
3029 {
3030  Q_D(QSettings);
3031  if (d->groupStack.isEmpty() || !d->groupStack.top().isArray()) {
3032  qWarning("QSettings::setArrayIndex: Missing beginArray()");
3033  return;
3034  }
3036  QSettingsGroup &top = d->groupStack.top();
3037  int len = top.toString().size();
3038  top.setArrayIndex(qMax(i, 0));
3039  d->groupPrefix.replace(d->groupPrefix.size() - len - 1, len, top.toString());
3040 }
3058 {
3059  Q_D(const QSettings);
3060  return d->children(d->groupPrefix, QSettingsPrivate::AllKeys);
3061 }
3082 {
3083  Q_D(const QSettings);
3084  return d->children(d->groupPrefix, QSettingsPrivate::ChildKeys);
3085 }
3106 {
3107  Q_D(const QSettings);
3108  return d->children(d->groupPrefix, QSettingsPrivate::ChildGroups);
3109 }
3124 {
3125  Q_D(const QSettings);
3126  return d->isWritable();
3127 }
3146 {
3147  Q_D(QSettings);
3148  if (key.isEmpty()) {
3149  qWarning("QSettings::setValue: Empty key passed");
3150  return;
3151  }
3152  d->set(d->actualKey(key), value);
3153  d->requestUpdate();
3154 }
3180 {
3181  Q_D(QSettings);
3182  /*
3183  We cannot use actualKey(), because remove() supports empty
3184  keys. The code is also tricky because of slash handling.
3185  */
3186  QString theKey = d->normalizedKey(key);
3187  if (theKey.isEmpty())
3188  theKey = group();
3189  else
3190  theKey.prepend(d->groupPrefix);
3192  if (theKey.isEmpty()) {
3193  d->clear();
3194  } else {
3195  d->remove(theKey);
3196  }
3197  d->requestUpdate();
3198 }
3214 bool QSettings::contains(const QString &key) const
3215 {
3216  Q_D(const QSettings);
3217  return d->get(d->actualKey(key)) != std::nullopt;
3218 }
3228 {
3229  Q_D(QSettings);
3230  d->fallbacks = !!b;
3231 }
3241 {
3242  Q_D(const QSettings);
3243  return d->fallbacks;
3244 }
3246 #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT
3251 {
3252  Q_D(QSettings);
3253  if (event->type() == QEvent::UpdateRequest) {
3254  d->update();
3255  return true;
3256  }
3257  return QObject::event(event);
3258 }
3259 #endif
3283 {
3284  Q_D(const QSettings);
3285  return d->value(key, nullptr);
3286 }
3288 QVariant QSettings::value(const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue) const
3289 {
3290  Q_D(const QSettings);
3291  return d->value(key, &defaultValue);
3292 }
3294 QVariant QSettingsPrivate::value(const QString &key, const QVariant *defaultValue) const
3295 {
3296  if (key.isEmpty()) {
3297  qWarning("QSettings::value: Empty key passed");
3298  return QVariant();
3299  }
3300  if (std::optional r = get(actualKey(key)))
3301  return std::move(*r);
3302  if (defaultValue)
3303  return *defaultValue;
3304  return QVariant();
3305 }
3320 {
3321  globalDefaultFormat = format;
3322 }
3333 {
3334  return globalDefaultFormat;
3335 }
3372 {
3373  auto locker = qt_unique_lock(settingsGlobalMutex);
3374  PathHash *pathHash = pathHashFunc();
3375  if (pathHash->isEmpty())
3376  locker = initDefaultPaths(std::move(locker));
3377  pathHash->insert(pathHashKey(format, scope), Path(path + QDir::separator(), true));
3378 }
3448 QSettings::Format QSettings::registerFormat(const QString &extension, ReadFunc readFunc,
3449  WriteFunc writeFunc,
3450  Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity)
3451 {
3453  Q_ASSERT(caseSensitivity == Qt::CaseSensitive);
3454 #endif
3456  const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(settingsGlobalMutex);
3457  CustomFormatVector *customFormatVector = customFormatVectorFunc();
3458  int index = customFormatVector->size();
3459  if (index == 16) // the QSettings::Format enum has room for 16 custom formats
3460  return QSettings::InvalidFormat;
3463  info.extension = QLatin1Char('.') + extension;
3464  info.readFunc = readFunc;
3465  info.writeFunc = writeFunc;
3466  info.caseSensitivity = caseSensitivity;
3467  customFormatVector->append(info);
3470 }
3474 #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
3475 #include "moc_qsettings.cpp"
3476 #endif
small capitals from c petite p scientific i
Definition: afcover.h:80
@ Float
@ Double
FT_UInt idx
Definition: cffcmap.c:135
bool ref() noexcept
Definition: qbasicatomic.h:101
The QByteArray class provides an array of bytes.
Definition: qbytearray.h:85
QByteArray trimmed() const &
Definition: qbytearray.h:220
QByteArray & prepend(char c)
Definition: qbytearray.h:238
qsizetype size() const noexcept
Definition: qbytearray.h:470
const char * constData() const noexcept
Definition: qbytearray.h:144
bool startsWith(QByteArrayView bv) const
Definition: qbytearray.h:192
bool isEmpty() const noexcept
Definition: qbytearray.h:129
static QByteArray number(int, int base=10)
int compare(QByteArrayView a, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const noexcept
Definition: qbytearray.h:569
QByteArray & append(char c)
QByteArray mid(qsizetype index, qsizetype len=-1) const
Definition: qcache.h:50
bool insert(const Key &key, T *object, qsizetype cost=1)
Definition: qcache.h:218
T * take(const Key &key) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_destructible_v< Key >)
Definition: qcache.h:267
The QChar class provides a 16-bit Unicode character.
Definition: qchar.h:84
@ Null
Definition: qchar.h:87
constexpr char16_t unicode() const noexcept
Definition: qchar.h:489
constexpr bool isUpper() const noexcept
Definition: qchar.h:506
QString name
Definition: qsettings_p.h:161
QAtomicInt ref
Definition: qsettings_p.h:168
UnparsedSettingsMap unparsedIniSections
Definition: qsettings_p.h:164
ParsedSettingsMap originalKeys
Definition: qsettings_p.h:165
qint64 size
Definition: qsettings_p.h:163
bool userPerms
Definition: qsettings_p.h:170
static void clearCache()
Definition: qsettings.cpp:207
QDateTime timeStamp
Definition: qsettings_p.h:162
QMutex mutex
Definition: qsettings_p.h:169
ParsedSettingsMap removedKeys
Definition: qsettings_p.h:167
ParsedSettingsMap mergedKeyMap() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:149
static QConfFile * fromName(const QString &name, bool _userPerms)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:186
bool isWritable() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:161
ParsedSettingsMap addedKeys
Definition: qsettings_p.h:166
static bool readIniSection(const QSettingsKey &section, const QByteArray &data, ParsedSettingsMap *settingsMap)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1649
void set(const QString &key, const QVariant &value) override
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1191
static bool readIniLine(const QByteArray &data, int &dataPos, int &lineStart, int &lineLen, int &equalsPos)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1508
void flush() override
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1298
bool isWritable() const override
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1312
QString fileName() const override
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1303
QConfFileSettingsPrivate(QSettings::Format format, QSettings::Scope scope, const QString &organization, const QString &application)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1056
void remove(const QString &key) override
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1162
bool readIniFile(const QByteArray &data, UnparsedSettingsMap *unparsedIniSections)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1579
void sync() override
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1287
void clear() override
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1273
std::optional< QVariant > get(const QString &key) const override
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1205
The QCoreApplication class provides an event loop for Qt applications without UI.
static void postEvent(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event, int priority=Qt::NormalEventPriority)
The QDataStream class provides serialization of binary data to a QIODevice.
Definition: qdatastream.h:66
The QDir class provides access to directory structures and their contents.
Definition: qdir.h:55
static QChar separator()
Definition: qdir.h:234
static QString homePath()
Definition: qdir.cpp:2055
bool operator<(const QElapsedTimer &lhs, const QElapsedTimer &rhs) noexcept
The QEvent class is the base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters.
Definition: qcoreevent.h:58
@ UpdateRequest
Definition: qcoreevent.h:126
The QFile class provides an interface for reading from and writing to files.
Definition: qfile.h:94
bool open(OpenMode flags) override
Definition: qfile.cpp:897
bool setPermissions(Permissions permissionSpec) override
Definition: qfile.cpp:1152
static QString decodeName(const QByteArray &localFileName)
Definition: qfile.h:163
qint64 size() const override
Definition: qfile.cpp:1172
The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information.
Definition: qfileinfo.h:57
QString absoluteFilePath() const
Definition: qfileinfo.cpp:556
QString absolutePath() const
Definition: qfileinfo.cpp:599
bool exists() const
Definition: qfileinfo.cpp:697
The QHash class is a template class that provides a hash-table-based dictionary.
Definition: qhash.h:773
bool remove(const Key &key)
Definition: qhash.h:911
T value(const Key &key) const noexcept
Definition: qhash.h:997
bool isEmpty() const noexcept
Definition: qhash.h:881
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Definition: qhash.h:1228
The QIODevice class is the base interface class of all I/O devices in Qt.
Definition: qiodevice.h:70
QByteArray readAll()
Definition: qiodevice.cpp:1268
bool isReadable() const
Definition: qiodevice.cpp:616
The QLatin1String class provides a thin wrapper around an US-ASCII/Latin-1 encoded string literal.
Definition: qstring.h:84
static QString path(LibraryPath p)
Definition: qlist.h:108
qsizetype size() const noexcept
Definition: qlist.h:414
bool isEmpty() const noexcept
Definition: qlist.h:418
iterator end()
Definition: qlist.h:624
const_reference at(qsizetype i) const noexcept
Definition: qlist.h:457
iterator begin()
Definition: qlist.h:623
void reserve(qsizetype size)
Definition: qlist.h:757
void append(parameter_type t)
Definition: qlist.h:469
QList< T > toList() const noexcept
Definition: qlist.h:727
The QLockFile class provides locking between processes using a file.
Definition: qlockfile.h:55
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Definition: qmap.h:719
iterator erase(const_iterator it)
Definition: qmap.h:650
bool contains(const Key &key) const
Definition: qmap.h:376
size_type remove(const Key &key)
Definition: qmap.h:335
const_iterator constFind(const Key &key) const
Definition: qmap.h:686
void clear()
Definition: qmap.h:324
iterator lowerBound(const Key &key)
Definition: qmap.h:691
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qmap.h:304
iterator begin()
Definition: qmap.h:633
iterator end()
Definition: qmap.h:637
iterator upperBound(const Key &key)
Definition: qmap.h:705
const_iterator constBegin() const
Definition: qmap.h:635
size_type size() const
Definition: qmap.h:302
const_iterator constEnd() const
Definition: qmap.h:639
@ UnknownType
Definition: qmetatype.h:346
The QMutex class provides access serialization between threads.
Definition: qmutex.h:285
QObject * q_ptr
Definition: qobject.h:98
QObjectList children
Definition: qobject.h:100
The QObject class is the base class of all Qt objects.
Definition: qobject.h:125
virtual bool event(QEvent *event)
Definition: qobject.cpp:1329
QScopedPointer< QObjectData > d_ptr
Definition: qobject.h:436
The QPoint class defines a point in the plane using integer precision.
Definition: qpoint.h:52
The QRect class defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision.
Definition: qrect.h:59
The QSaveFile class provides an interface for safely writing to files.
Definition: qsavefile.h:60
The QSettings class provides persistent platform-independent application settings.
Definition: qsettings.h:66
static void setDefaultFormat(Format format)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3319
void endGroup()
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2906
void endArray()
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2999
QSettings(const QString &organization, const QString &application=QString(), QObject *parent=nullptr)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2482
static Format defaultFormat()
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3332
@ CustomFormat1
Definition: qsettings.h:94
@ NativeFormat
Definition: qsettings.h:85
@ IniFormat
Definition: qsettings.h:86
@ InvalidFormat
Definition: qsettings.h:93
@ SystemScope
Definition: qsettings.h:117
void clear()
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2712
Format format() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2759
QString fileName() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2746
void setValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3145
void setAtomicSyncRequired(bool enable)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2858
bool event(QEvent *event) override
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3250
QVariant value(const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue) const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3288
void remove(const QString &key)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3179
QString organizationName() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2785
QStringList childKeys() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3081
bool(* WriteFunc)(QIODevice &device, const SettingsMap &map)
Definition: qsettings.h:187
static Format registerFormat(const QString &extension, ReadFunc readFunc, WriteFunc writeFunc, Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity=Qt::CaseSensitive)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3448
QString applicationName() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2798
void beginGroup(const QString &prefix)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2890
bool contains(const QString &key) const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3214
QStringList allKeys() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3057
void sync()
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2730
@ FormatError
Definition: qsettings.h:78
@ AccessError
Definition: qsettings.h:77
Scope scope() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2772
bool isWritable() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3123
int beginReadArray(const QString &prefix)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2946
bool(* ReadFunc)(QIODevice &device, SettingsMap &map)
Definition: qsettings.h:186
static void setPath(Format format, Scope scope, const QString &path)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3371
bool isAtomicSyncRequired() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2831
QStringList childGroups() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3105
void beginWriteArray(const QString &prefix, int size=-1)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2982
void setArrayIndex(int i)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3028
QString group() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2928
Status status() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:2814
bool fallbacksEnabled() const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3240
void setFallbacksEnabled(bool b)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3227
QSettingsIniKey(const QString &str, int pos=-1)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1710
QString originalCaseKey() const
Definition: qsettings_p.h:86
int originalKeyPosition() const
Definition: qsettings_p.h:87
static void iniEscapedKey(const QString &key, QByteArray &result)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:519
virtual QString fileName() const =0
QSettingsPrivate(QSettings::Format format)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:216
QSettings::Status status
Definition: qsettings_p.h:251
static QStringList variantListToStringList(const QVariantList &l)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:347
static QSettingsPrivate * create(QSettings::Format format, QSettings::Scope scope, const QString &organization, const QString &application)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:279
static QStringList splitArgs(const QString &s, int idx)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:868
static void iniEscapedString(const QString &str, QByteArray &result)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:602
void beginGroupOrArray(const QSettingsGroup &group)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:309
void requestUpdate()
Definition: qsettings.cpp:334
static bool iniUnescapedKey(const QByteArray &key, int from, int to, QString &result)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:546
void setStatus(QSettings::Status status) const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:322
static QVariant stringListToVariantList(const QStringList &l)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:357
static QString normalizedKey(const QString &key)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:251
static QVariant stringToVariant(const QString &s)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:464
QString actualKey(const QString &key) const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:233
virtual ~QSettingsPrivate()
Definition: qsettings.cpp:229
static void iniEscapedStringList(const QStringList &strs, QByteArray &result)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:692
static bool iniUnescapedStringList(const QByteArray &str, int from, int to, QString &stringResult, QStringList &stringListResult)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:713
static QString variantToString(const QVariant &v)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:379
virtual std::optional< QVariant > get(const QString &key) const =0
virtual void flush()=0
QString groupPrefix
Definition: qsettings_p.h:247
QStack< QSettingsGroup > groupStack
Definition: qsettings_p.h:246
QVariant value(const QString &key, const QVariant *defaultValue) const
Definition: qsettings.cpp:3294
QSettings::Scope scope
Definition: qsettings_p.h:241
static void processChild(QStringView key, ChildSpec spec, QStringList &result)
Definition: qsettings.cpp:293
The QSize class defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision.
Definition: qsize.h:55
void push(const T &t)
Definition: qstack.h:53
static QStringList standardLocations(StandardLocation type)
static QString writableLocation(StandardLocation type)
The QStringDecoder class provides a state-based decoder for text. \reentrant.
The QStringEncoder class provides a state-based encoder for text. \reentrant.
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:388
QString & prepend(QChar c)
Definition: qstring.h:656
bool startsWith(const QString &s, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:5092
void reserve(qsizetype size)
Definition: qstring.h:1307
void truncate(qsizetype pos)
Definition: qstring.cpp:5934
void clear()
Definition: qstring.h:1240
qsizetype size() const
Definition: qstring.h:413
const QChar at(qsizetype i) const
Definition: qstring.h:1212
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qstring.h:1216
static QString fromWCharArray(const wchar_t *string, qsizetype size=-1)
QString left(qsizetype n) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:4951
void squeeze()
Definition: qstring.h:1315
QString & remove(qsizetype i, qsizetype len)
Definition: qstring.cpp:3252
static QString static QString asprintf(const char *format,...) Q_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_PRINTF(1
Definition: qstring.cpp:6759
qsizetype length() const
Definition: qstring.h:415
const QChar * unicode() const
Definition: qstring.h:1218
The QStringList class provides a list of strings.
The QStringView class provides a unified view on UTF-16 strings with a read-only subset of the QStrin...
Definition: qstringview.h:122
QByteArray toLatin1() const
Definition: qstringview.h:254
QString toString() const
Definition: qstring.h:1165
constexpr QStringView mid(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n=-1) const noexcept
Definition: qstringview.h:261
The QTemporaryFile class is an I/O device that operates on temporary files.
The QVariant class acts like a union for the most common Qt data types.
Definition: qvariant.h:95
int toInt(bool *ok=nullptr) const
Definition: qvariant.cpp:1833
QMap< QString, QString > map
QString str
int const char * version
Definition: zlib.h:814
Definition: ftgrays.c:1658
#define NULL
Definition: ftobjs.h:61
#define true
Definition: ftrandom.c:51
char Bool
Definition: ftraster.c:315
int Int
Definition: ftraster.c:307
unsigned int UInt
Definition: ftraster.c:308
backing_store_ptr info
Definition: jmemsys.h:161
Definition: jsimd.h:109
typename C::const_iterator const_iterator
typename C::iterator iterator
QHighDpiScaling::Point position(T, QHighDpiScaling::Point::Kind)
Lock qt_scoped_lock(Mutex &mutex)
Definition: qlocking_p.h:94
Lock qt_unique_lock(Mutex &mutex)
Definition: qlocking_p.h:100
qsizetype fromUtf8(uchar b, OutputPtr &dst, InputPtr &src, InputPtr end)
int toUtf8(char16_t u, OutputPtr &dst, InputPtr &src, InputPtr end)
Definition: qnamespace.h:1282
@ CaseInsensitive
Definition: qnamespace.h:1283
@ CaseSensitive
Definition: qnamespace.h:1284
constexpr char toHexUpper(uint value) noexcept
Definition: qtools_p.h:60
constexpr int fromHex(uint c) noexcept
Definition: qtools_p.h:70
QString eol
Definition: language.cpp:81
#define QString()
Definition: parse-defines.h:51
set set set set set set set macro pixldst1 abits if abits op else op endif endm macro pixldst2 abits if abits op else op endif endm macro pixldst4 abits if abits op else op endif endm macro pixldst0 abits op endm macro pixldst3 mem_operand op endm macro pixldst30 mem_operand op endm macro pixldst abits if abits elseif abits elseif abits elseif abits elseif abits pixldst0 abits else pixldst0 abits pixldst0 abits pixldst0 abits pixldst0 abits endif elseif abits else pixldst0 abits pixldst0 abits endif elseif abits else error unsupported bpp *numpix else pixst endif endm macro vuzp8 reg2 vuzp d d &reg2 endm macro vzip8 reg2 vzip d d &reg2 endm macro pixdeinterleave basereg basereg basereg basereg basereg endif endm macro pixinterleave basereg basereg basereg basereg basereg endif endm macro PF boost_increment endif if endif PF tst PF addne PF subne PF cmp ORIG_W if endif if endif if endif PF subge ORIG_W PF subges if endif if endif if endif endif endm macro cache_preload_simple endif if dst_r_bpp pld[DST_R, #(PREFETCH_DISTANCE_SIMPLE *dst_r_bpp/8)] endif if mask_bpp pld endif[MASK, #(PREFETCH_DISTANCE_SIMPLE *mask_bpp/8)] endif endif endm macro ensure_destination_ptr_alignment process_pixblock_tail_head if beq irp skip1 beq endif SRC MASK if dst_r_bpp DST_R else add endif PF add sub src_basereg pixdeinterleave mask_basereg pixdeinterleave dst_r_basereg process_pixblock_head pixblock_size cache_preload_simple process_pixblock_tail pixinterleave dst_w_basereg irp beq endif process_pixblock_tail_head tst beq irp if pixblock_size chunk_size tst beq pixld SRC pixld MASK if DST_R else pixld DST_R endif if
QList< QString > QStringList
Definition: qcontainerfwd.h:64
EGLStreamKHR stream
EGLOutputLayerEXT EGLint EGLAttrib value
QT_BEGIN_INCLUDE_NAMESPACE typedef unsigned char uchar
Definition: qglobal.h:332
Definition: qglobal.h:579
unsigned int uint
Definition: qglobal.h:334
QList< QVariant > QVariantList
Definition: qjsonarray.h:50
#define qWarning
Definition: qlogging.h:179
GLenum type
Definition: qopengl.h:270
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
GLsizei const GLfloat * v
GLuint64 key
GLboolean r
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
GLenum GLuint GLintptr GLsizeiptr size
GLuint index
GLuint GLuint end
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble top
GLsizei const GLuint * paths
GLboolean GLuint group
GLboolean enable
GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLenum GLenum GLsizei void * data
GLenum GLuint GLintptr offset
GLint ref
GLuint name
GLint first
GLfloat n
GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLenum format
struct _cl_event * event
Definition: qopenglext.h:2998
const GLubyte * c
Definition: qopenglext.h:12701
GLenum GLsizei len
Definition: qopenglext.h:3292
GLint limit
Definition: qopenglext.h:9975
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble q
Definition: qopenglext.h:259
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
Definition: qopenglext.h:4283
GLuint64EXT * result
Definition: qopenglext.h:10932
GLdouble s
Definition: qopenglext.h:235
GLfloat GLfloat p
Definition: qopenglext.h:12698
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qrandom.cpp:84
#define Q_ASSERT_X(cond, x, msg)
Definition: qrandom.cpp:85
QHash< int, Path > PathHash
Definition: qsettings.cpp:125
QList< QConfFileCustomFormat > CustomFormatVector
Definition: qsettings.cpp:126
@ Space
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1482
@ Special
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1482
QMap< QSettingsIniKey, QVariant > IniKeyMap
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1723
QHash< QString, QConfFile * > ConfFileHash
Definition: qsettings.cpp:112
QMap< QString, QSettingsIniSection > IniMap
Definition: qsettings.cpp:1735
QCache< QString, QConfFile > ConfFileCache
Definition: qsettings.cpp:113
#define k1
Definition: qtypeinfo.h:156
QFile file
QVariant variant
map lowerBound(0)
QString dir
QGraphicsItem * item
view create()
QStringList::Iterator it
Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity
Definition: qsettings.cpp:108
QSettings::WriteFunc writeFunc
Definition: qsettings.cpp:107
QSettings::ReadFunc readFunc
Definition: qsettings.cpp:106
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:53
@ Path
Definition: tst_qurl.cpp:3706
IUIAutomationTreeWalker __RPC__deref_out_opt IUIAutomationElement ** parent