QtBase  v6.3.1
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41 #include "qsemaphore.h"
42 #include "qmutex.h"
43 #include "qfutex_p.h"
44 #include "qwaitcondition.h"
45 #include "qdeadlinetimer.h"
46 #include "qdatetime.h"
50 using namespace QtFutex;
102 /*
103  QSemaphore futex operation
105  QSemaphore stores a 32-bit integer with the counter of currently available
106  tokens (value between 0 and INT_MAX). When a thread attempts to acquire n
107  tokens and the counter is larger than that, we perform a compare-and-swap
108  with the new count. If that succeeds, the acquisition worked; if not, we
109  loop again because the counter changed. If there were not enough tokens,
110  we'll perform a futex-wait.
112  Before we do, we set the high bit in the futex to indicate that semaphore
113  is contended: that is, there's a thread waiting for more tokens. On
114  release() for n tokens, we perform a fetch-and-add of n and then check if
115  that high bit was set. If it was, then we clear that bit and perform a
116  futex-wake on the semaphore to indicate the waiting threads can wake up and
117  acquire tokens. Which ones get woken up is unspecified.
119  If the system has the ability to wake up a precise number of threads, has
120  Linux's FUTEX_WAKE_OP functionality, and is 64-bit, instead of using a
121  single bit indicating a contended semaphore, we'll store the number of
122  tokens *plus* total number of waiters in the high word. Additionally, all
123  multi-token waiters will be waiting on that high word. So when releasing n
124  tokens on those systems, we tell the kernel to wake up n single-token
125  threads and all of the multi-token ones. Which threads get woken up is
126  unspecified, but it's likely single-token threads will get woken up first.
127  */
129 #if defined(FUTEX_OP) && QT_POINTER_SIZE > 4
130 static constexpr bool futexHasWaiterCount = true;
131 #else
132 static constexpr bool futexHasWaiterCount = false;
133 #endif
135 static constexpr quintptr futexNeedsWakeAllBit = futexHasWaiterCount ?
136  (Q_UINT64_C(1) << (sizeof(quintptr) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) : 0x80000000U;
138 static int futexAvailCounter(quintptr v)
139 {
140  // the low 31 bits
141  if (futexHasWaiterCount) {
142  // the high bit of the low word isn't used
143  Q_ASSERT((v & 0x80000000U) == 0);
145  // so we can be a little faster
146  return int(unsigned(v));
147  }
148  return int(v & 0x7fffffffU);
149 }
151 static bool futexNeedsWake(quintptr v)
152 {
153  // If we're counting waiters, the number of waiters plus value is stored in the
154  // low 31 bits of the high word (that is, bits 32-62). If we're not, then we only
155  // use futexNeedsWakeAllBit to indicate anyone is waiting.
156  if constexpr (futexHasWaiterCount)
157  return unsigned(quint64(v) >> 32) > unsigned(v);
158  return v >> 31;
159 }
162 {
163  auto result = reinterpret_cast<QBasicAtomicInteger<quint32> *>(ptr);
165  ++result;
166 #endif
167  return result;
168 }
171 {
172  Q_ASSERT(futexHasWaiterCount);
173  auto result = reinterpret_cast<QBasicAtomicInteger<quint32> *>(ptr);
175  ++result;
176 #endif
177  return result;
178 }
180 template <bool IsTimed> bool
182 {
184  qint64 remainingTime = timeout * Q_INT64_C(1000) * 1000;
185  int n = int(unsigned(nn));
187  // we're called after one testAndSet, so start by waiting first
188  for (;;) {
189  // indicate we're waiting
190  auto ptr = futexLow32(&u);
191  if (n > 1 || !futexHasWaiterCount) {
192  u.fetchAndOrRelaxed(futexNeedsWakeAllBit);
193  curValue |= futexNeedsWakeAllBit;
194  if constexpr (futexHasWaiterCount) {
195  Q_ASSERT(n > 1);
196  ptr = futexHigh32(&u);
197  curValue >>= 32;
198  }
199  }
201  if (IsTimed && remainingTime > 0) {
202  bool timedout = !futexWait(*ptr, curValue, remainingTime);
203  if (timedout)
204  return false;
205  } else {
206  futexWait(*ptr, curValue);
207  }
209  curValue = u.loadAcquire();
210  if (IsTimed)
211  remainingTime = timer.remainingTimeNSecs();
213  // try to acquire
214  while (futexAvailCounter(curValue) >= n) {
215  quintptr newValue = curValue - nn;
216  if (u.testAndSetOrdered(curValue, newValue, curValue))
217  return true; // succeeded!
218  }
220  // not enough tokens available, put us to wait
221  if (remainingTime == 0)
222  return false;
223  }
224 }
226 template <bool IsTimed> bool futexSemaphoreTryAcquire(QBasicAtomicInteger<quintptr> &u, int n, int timeout)
227 {
228  // Try to acquire without waiting (we still loop because the testAndSet
229  // call can fail).
230  quintptr nn = unsigned(n);
231  if (futexHasWaiterCount)
232  nn |= quint64(nn) << 32; // token count replicated in high word
234  quintptr curValue = u.loadAcquire();
235  while (futexAvailCounter(curValue) >= n) {
236  // try to acquire
237  quintptr newValue = curValue - nn;
238  if (u.testAndSetOrdered(curValue, newValue, curValue))
239  return true; // succeeded!
240  }
241  if (timeout == 0)
242  return false;
244  // we need to wait
245  constexpr quintptr oneWaiter = quintptr(Q_UINT64_C(1) << 32); // zero on 32-bit
246  if constexpr (futexHasWaiterCount) {
247  // We don't use the fetched value from above so futexWait() fails if
248  // it changed after the testAndSetOrdered above.
249  if (((curValue >> 32) & 0x7fffffffU) == 0x7fffffffU) {
250  qCritical() << "Waiter count overflow in QSemaphore";
251  return false;
252  }
254  // increase the waiter count
255  u.fetchAndAddRelaxed(oneWaiter);
256  curValue += oneWaiter;
258  // Also adjust nn to subtract oneWaiter when we succeed in acquiring.
259  nn += oneWaiter;
260  }
262  if (futexSemaphoreTryAcquire_loop<IsTimed>(u, curValue, nn, timeout))
263  return true;
265  Q_ASSERT(IsTimed);
267  if (futexHasWaiterCount) {
268  // decrement the number of threads waiting
269  Q_ASSERT(futexHigh32(&u)->loadRelaxed() & 0x7fffffffU);
270  u.fetchAndSubRelaxed(oneWaiter);
271  }
272  return false;
273 }
276 public:
277  inline QSemaphorePrivate(int n) : avail(n) { }
282  int avail;
283 };
292 {
293  Q_ASSERT_X(n >= 0, "QSemaphore", "parameter 'n' must be non-negative");
294  if (futexAvailable()) {
295  quintptr nn = unsigned(n);
296  if (futexHasWaiterCount)
297  nn |= quint64(nn) << 32; // token count replicated in high word
298  u.storeRelaxed(nn);
299  } else {
300  d = new QSemaphorePrivate(n);
301  }
302 }
311 {
312  if (!futexAvailable())
313  delete d;
314 }
324 {
325  Q_ASSERT_X(n >= 0, "QSemaphore::acquire", "parameter 'n' must be non-negative");
327  if (futexAvailable()) {
328  futexSemaphoreTryAcquire<false>(u, n, -1);
329  return;
330  }
332  QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex);
333  while (n > d->avail)
334  d->cond.wait(locker.mutex());
335  d->avail -= n;
336 }
352 {
353  Q_ASSERT_X(n >= 0, "QSemaphore::release", "parameter 'n' must be non-negative");
355  if (futexAvailable()) {
356  quintptr nn = unsigned(n);
357  if (futexHasWaiterCount)
358  nn |= quint64(nn) << 32; // token count replicated in high word
359  quintptr prevValue = u.loadRelaxed();
360  quintptr newValue;
361  do { // loop just to ensure the operations are done atomically
362  newValue = prevValue + nn;
363  newValue &= (futexNeedsWakeAllBit - 1);
364  } while (!u.testAndSetRelease(prevValue, newValue, prevValue));
365  if (futexNeedsWake(prevValue)) {
366 #ifdef FUTEX_OP
367  if (futexHasWaiterCount) {
368  /*
369  On 64-bit systems, the single-token waiters wait on the low half
370  and the multi-token waiters wait on the upper half. So we ask
371  the kernel to wake up n single-token waiters and all multi-token
372  waiters (if any), and clear the multi-token wait bit.
374  atomic {
375  int oldval = *upper;
376  *upper = oldval | 0;
377  futexWake(lower, n);
378  if (oldval != 0) // always true
379  futexWake(upper, INT_MAX);
380  }
381  */
382  quint32 op = FUTEX_OP_OR;
383  quint32 oparg = 0;
384  quint32 cmp = FUTEX_OP_CMP_NE;
385  quint32 cmparg = 0;
386  futexWakeOp(*futexLow32(&u), n, INT_MAX, *futexHigh32(&u), FUTEX_OP(op, oparg, cmp, cmparg));
387  return;
388  }
389 #endif
390  // Unset the bit and wake everyone. There are two possibilities
391  // under which a thread can set the bit between the AND and the
392  // futexWake:
393  // 1) it did see the new counter value, but it wasn't enough for
394  // its acquisition anyway, so it has to wait;
395  // 2) it did not see the new counter value, in which case its
396  // futexWait will fail.
397  if (futexHasWaiterCount) {
398  futexWakeAll(*futexLow32(&u));
399  futexWakeAll(*futexHigh32(&u));
400  } else {
401  futexWakeAll(u);
402  }
403  }
404  return;
405  }
407  QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex);
408  d->avail += n;
409  d->cond.wakeAll();
410 }
419 {
420  if (futexAvailable())
421  return futexAvailCounter(u.loadRelaxed());
423  QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex);
424  return d->avail;
425 }
439 {
440  Q_ASSERT_X(n >= 0, "QSemaphore::tryAcquire", "parameter 'n' must be non-negative");
442  if (futexAvailable())
443  return futexSemaphoreTryAcquire<false>(u, n, 0);
445  QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex);
446  if (n > d->avail)
447  return false;
448  d->avail -= n;
449  return true;
450 }
469 {
470  Q_ASSERT_X(n >= 0, "QSemaphore::tryAcquire", "parameter 'n' must be non-negative");
472  // We're documented to accept any negative value as "forever"
473  // but QDeadlineTimer only accepts -1.
474  timeout = qMax(timeout, -1);
476  if (futexAvailable())
477  return futexSemaphoreTryAcquire<true>(u, n, timeout);
480  QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex);
481  while (n > d->avail && !timer.hasExpired()) {
482  if (!d->cond.wait(locker.mutex(), timer))
483  return false;
484  }
485  if (n > d->avail)
486  return false;
487  d->avail -= n;
488  return true;
489 }
small capitals from c petite p scientific f u
Definition: afcover.h:88
The QDeadlineTimer class marks a deadline in the future.
The QMutex class provides access serialization between threads.
Definition: qmutex.h:285
The QMutexLocker class is a convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking mutexes.
Definition: qmutex.h:317
Mutex * mutex() const noexcept
Definition: qmutex.h:324
void acquire(int n=1)
Definition: qsemaphore.cpp:323
bool tryAcquire(int n=1)
Definition: qsemaphore.cpp:438
void release(int n=1)
Definition: qsemaphore.cpp:351
QSemaphore(int n=0)
Definition: qsemaphore.cpp:291
int available() const
Definition: qsemaphore.cpp:418
QWaitCondition cond
Definition: qsemaphore.cpp:280
QSemaphorePrivate(int n)
Definition: qsemaphore.cpp:277
constexpr bool futexAvailable()
Definition: qfutex_p.h:81
void futexWakeAll(Atomic &)
Definition: qfutex_p.h:87
bool futexWait(Atomic &, typename Atomic::Type, int=0)
Definition: qfutex_p.h:83
set set set set set set set macro pixldst1 op
#define Q_UINT64_C(c)
Definition: qglobal.h:296
unsigned int quint32
Definition: qglobal.h:288
size_t quintptr
Definition: qglobal.h:310
unsigned long long quint64
Definition: qglobal.h:299
long long qint64
Definition: qglobal.h:298
#define Q_INT64_C(c)
Definition: qglobal.h:295
#define qCritical
Definition: qlogging.h:180
GLsizei const GLfloat * v
GLbitfield GLuint64 timeout
GLfloat n
GLuint64EXT * result
Definition: qopenglext.h:10932
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qrandom.cpp:84
#define Q_ASSERT_X(cond, x, msg)
Definition: qrandom.cpp:85
bool futexSemaphoreTryAcquire(QBasicAtomicInteger< quintptr > &u, int n, int timeout)
Definition: qsemaphore.cpp:226
bool futexSemaphoreTryAcquire_loop(QBasicAtomicInteger< quintptr > &u, quintptr curValue, quintptr nn, int timeout)
Definition: qsemaphore.cpp:181
QTimer * timer