QtBase  v6.3.1
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38 ****************************************************************************/
40 #include "qloggingcategory.h"
41 #include "qloggingregistry_p.h"
45 const char qtDefaultCategoryName[] = "default";
51 static void setBoolLane(QBasicAtomicInt *atomic, bool enable, int shift)
52 {
53  const int bit = 1 << shift;
55  if (enable)
56  atomic->fetchAndOrRelaxed(bit);
57  else
58  atomic->fetchAndAndRelaxed(~bit);
59 }
60 #endif
219  : d(nullptr),
220  name(nullptr)
221 {
222  init(category, enableForLevel);
223 }
225 void QLoggingCategory::init(const char *category, QtMsgType severityLevel)
226 {
227  enabled.storeRelaxed(0x01010101); // enabledDebug = enabledWarning = enabledCritical = true;
229  if (category)
230  name = category;
231  else
235  reg->registerCategory(this, severityLevel);
236 }
242 {
244  reg->unregisterCategory(this);
245 }
306 {
307  switch (msgtype) {
308  case QtDebugMsg: return isDebugEnabled();
309  case QtInfoMsg: return isInfoEnabled();
310  case QtWarningMsg: return isWarningEnabled();
311  case QtCriticalMsg: return isCriticalEnabled();
312  case QtFatalMsg: return true;
313  }
314  return false;
315 }
327 {
328  switch (type) {
330  case QtDebugMsg: bools.enabledDebug.storeRelaxed(enable); break;
331  case QtInfoMsg: bools.enabledInfo.storeRelaxed(enable); break;
332  case QtWarningMsg: bools.enabledWarning.storeRelaxed(enable); break;
333  case QtCriticalMsg: bools.enabledCritical.storeRelaxed(enable); break;
334 #else
335  case QtDebugMsg: setBoolLane(&enabled, enable, DebugShift); break;
336  case QtInfoMsg: setBoolLane(&enabled, enable, InfoShift); break;
337  case QtWarningMsg: setBoolLane(&enabled, enable, WarningShift); break;
338  case QtCriticalMsg: setBoolLane(&enabled, enable, CriticalShift); break;
339 #endif
340  case QtFatalMsg: break;
341  }
342 }
369 {
370  return qtDefaultCategory();
371 }
402 {
404 }
419 {
421 }
T fetchAndOrRelaxed(T valueToAdd) noexcept
Definition: qbasicatomic.h:167
T fetchAndAndRelaxed(T valueToAdd) noexcept
Definition: qbasicatomic.h:158
The QLoggingCategory class represents a category, or 'area' in the logging infrastructure.
static void setFilterRules(const QString &rules)
bool isInfoEnabled() const
static QLoggingCategory * defaultCategory()
void(* CategoryFilter)(QLoggingCategory *)
void setEnabled(QtMsgType type, bool enable)
QLoggingCategory(const char *category, QtMsgType severityLevel=QtDebugMsg)
static CategoryFilter installFilter(CategoryFilter)
bool isWarningEnabled() const
bool isEnabled(QtMsgType type) const
bool isCriticalEnabled() const
bool isDebugEnabled() const
static QLoggingRegistry * instance()
QLoggingCategory::CategoryFilter installFilter(QLoggingCategory::CategoryFilter filter)
void setApiRules(const QString &content)
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:388
const QLoggingCategory & category()
Definition: qlogging.h:60
@ QtCriticalMsg
Definition: qlogging.h:63
@ QtInfoMsg
Definition: qlogging.h:65
@ QtWarningMsg
Definition: qlogging.h:62
@ QtFatalMsg
Definition: qlogging.h:64
@ QtDebugMsg
Definition: qlogging.h:61
bool int shift
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE const char qtDefaultCategoryName[]
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(QLoggingCategory, qtDefaultCategory,(qtDefaultCategoryName)) static void setBoolLane(QBasicAtomicInt *atomic
GLenum type
Definition: qopengl.h:270
GLenum GLenum GLsizei const GLuint GLboolean enabled
GLboolean enable
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLbitfield GLenum filter
GLuint name
QObject::connect nullptr