QtBase  v6.3.1
QColorConstants::Svg Namespace Reference


constexpr QColor aliceblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor antiquewhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xeb * 0x101, 0xd7 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor aqua {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor aquamarine {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd4 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor azure {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor beige {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101}
constexpr QColor bisque {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe4 * 0x101, 0xc4 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor black {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor blanchedalmond {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xeb * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}
constexpr QColor blue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor blueviolet {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8a * 0x101, 0x2b * 0x101, 0xe2 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor brown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa5 * 0x101, 0x2a * 0x101, 0x2a * 0x101}
constexpr QColor burlywood {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101, 0xb8 * 0x101, 0x87 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor cadetblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x5f * 0x101, 0x9e * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor chartreuse {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor chocolate {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd2 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x1e * 0x101}
constexpr QColor coral {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101, 0x50 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor cornflowerblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x64 * 0x101, 0x95 * 0x101, 0xed * 0x101}
constexpr QColor cornsilk {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101}
constexpr QColor crimson {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101, 0x14 * 0x101, 0x3c * 0x101}
constexpr QColor cyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkcyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkgoldenrod {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb8 * 0x101, 0x86 * 0x101, 0x0b * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkgray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x64 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkgrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkkhaki {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xbd * 0x101, 0xb7 * 0x101, 0x6b * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkmagenta {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkolivegreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x55 * 0x101, 0x6b * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkorange {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8c * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkorchid {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x99 * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101, 0xcc * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darksalmon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe9 * 0x101, 0x96 * 0x101, 0x7a * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkseagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101, 0xbc * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkslateblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x48 * 0x101, 0x3d * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkslategray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkslategrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkturquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xce * 0x101, 0xd1 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor darkviolet {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x94 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor deeppink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x14 * 0x101, 0x93 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor deepskyblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xbf * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor dimgray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor dimgrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor dodgerblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x1e * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor firebrick {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb2 * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor floralwhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor forestgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor fuchsia {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor gainsboro {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101}
constexpr QColor ghostwhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor gold {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd7 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor goldenrod {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xda * 0x101, 0xa5 * 0x101, 0x20 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor gray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor green {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor greenyellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xad * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101}
constexpr QColor grey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor honeydew {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor hotpink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0xb4 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor indianred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x5c * 0x101, 0x5c * 0x101}
constexpr QColor indigo {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x4b * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x82 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor ivory {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor khaki {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101, 0x8c * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lavender {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lavenderblush {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lawngreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7c * 0x101, 0xfc * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lemonchiffon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xad * 0x101, 0xd8 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightcoral {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightcyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightgoldenrodyellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xd2 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightgray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightgrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightpink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb6 * 0x101, 0xc1 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightsalmon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0x7a * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightseagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x20 * 0x101, 0xb2 * 0x101, 0xaa * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightskyblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x87 * 0x101, 0xce * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightslategray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x77 * 0x101, 0x88 * 0x101, 0x99 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightslategrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x77 * 0x101, 0x88 * 0x101, 0x99 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightsteelblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb0 * 0x101, 0xc4 * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lightyellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor lime {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor limegreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor linen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor magenta {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor maroon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mediumaquamarine {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x66 * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0xaa * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mediumblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mediumorchid {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xba * 0x101, 0x55 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mediumpurple {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x93 * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0xdb * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mediumseagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x3c * 0x101, 0xb3 * 0x101, 0x71 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mediumslateblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7b * 0x101, 0x68 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mediumspringgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0x9a * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mediumturquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x48 * 0x101, 0xd1 * 0x101, 0xcc * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mediumvioletred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc7 * 0x101, 0x15 * 0x101, 0x85 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor midnightblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x19 * 0x101, 0x19 * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mintcream {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}
constexpr QColor mistyrose {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe4 * 0x101, 0xe1 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor moccasin {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe4 * 0x101, 0xb5 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor navajowhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101, 0xad * 0x101}
constexpr QColor navy {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor oldlace {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfd * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor olive {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor olivedrab {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x6b * 0x101, 0x8e * 0x101, 0x23 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor orange {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa5 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor orangered {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x45 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor orchid {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xda * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0xd6 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor palegoldenrod {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0xe8 * 0x101, 0xaa * 0x101}
constexpr QColor palegreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x98 * 0x101, 0xfb * 0x101, 0x98 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor paleturquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xaf * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}
constexpr QColor palevioletred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdb * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0x93 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor papayawhip {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xef * 0x101, 0xd5 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor peachpuff {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xda * 0x101, 0xb9 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor peru {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x85 * 0x101, 0x3f * 0x101}
constexpr QColor pink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xcb * 0x101}
constexpr QColor plum {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdd * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0xdd * 0x101}
constexpr QColor powderblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb0 * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor purple {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor red {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor rosybrown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xbc * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101}
constexpr QColor royalblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x41 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0xe1 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor saddlebrown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x45 * 0x101, 0x13 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor salmon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x72 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor sandybrown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf4 * 0x101, 0xa4 * 0x101, 0x60 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor seagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2e * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x57 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor seashell {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}
constexpr QColor sienna {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0x52 * 0x101, 0x2d * 0x101}
constexpr QColor silver {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor skyblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x87 * 0x101, 0xce * 0x101, 0xeb * 0x101}
constexpr QColor slateblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x6a * 0x101, 0x5a * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}
constexpr QColor slategray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor slategrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor snow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}
constexpr QColor springgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101}
constexpr QColor steelblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x46 * 0x101, 0x82 * 0x101, 0xb4 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor tan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd2 * 0x101, 0xb4 * 0x101, 0x8c * 0x101}
constexpr QColor teal {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor thistle {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd8 * 0x101, 0xbf * 0x101, 0xd8 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor tomato {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x63 * 0x101, 0x47 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor turquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x40 * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101, 0xd0 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor violet {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0x82 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}
constexpr QColor wheat {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101, 0xb3 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor white {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}
constexpr QColor whitesmoke {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor yellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}
constexpr QColor yellowgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x9a * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101}

Variable Documentation

◆ aliceblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::aliceblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 336 of file qcolor.h.

◆ antiquewhite

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::antiquewhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xeb * 0x101, 0xd7 * 0x101}

Definition at line 337 of file qcolor.h.

◆ aqua

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::aqua {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 338 of file qcolor.h.

◆ aquamarine

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::aquamarine {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd4 * 0x101}

Definition at line 339 of file qcolor.h.

◆ azure

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::azure {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 340 of file qcolor.h.

◆ beige

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::beige {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101}

Definition at line 341 of file qcolor.h.

◆ bisque

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::bisque {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe4 * 0x101, 0xc4 * 0x101}

Definition at line 342 of file qcolor.h.

◆ black

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::black {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 343 of file qcolor.h.

◆ blanchedalmond

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::blanchedalmond {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xeb * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}

Definition at line 344 of file qcolor.h.

◆ blue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::blue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 345 of file qcolor.h.

◆ blueviolet

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::blueviolet {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8a * 0x101, 0x2b * 0x101, 0xe2 * 0x101}

Definition at line 346 of file qcolor.h.

◆ brown

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::brown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa5 * 0x101, 0x2a * 0x101, 0x2a * 0x101}

Definition at line 347 of file qcolor.h.

◆ burlywood

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::burlywood {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101, 0xb8 * 0x101, 0x87 * 0x101}

Definition at line 348 of file qcolor.h.

◆ cadetblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::cadetblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x5f * 0x101, 0x9e * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101}

Definition at line 349 of file qcolor.h.

◆ chartreuse

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::chartreuse {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 350 of file qcolor.h.

◆ chocolate

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::chocolate {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd2 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x1e * 0x101}

Definition at line 351 of file qcolor.h.

◆ coral

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::coral {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101, 0x50 * 0x101}

Definition at line 352 of file qcolor.h.

◆ cornflowerblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::cornflowerblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x64 * 0x101, 0x95 * 0x101, 0xed * 0x101}

Definition at line 353 of file qcolor.h.

◆ cornsilk

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::cornsilk {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101}

Definition at line 354 of file qcolor.h.

◆ crimson

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::crimson {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101, 0x14 * 0x101, 0x3c * 0x101}

Definition at line 355 of file qcolor.h.

◆ cyan

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::cyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 356 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}

Definition at line 357 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkcyan

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkcyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}

Definition at line 358 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkgoldenrod

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkgoldenrod {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb8 * 0x101, 0x86 * 0x101, 0x0b * 0x101}

Definition at line 359 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkgray

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkgray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101}

Definition at line 360 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkgreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x64 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 361 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkgrey

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkgrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101}

Definition at line 362 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkkhaki

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkkhaki {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xbd * 0x101, 0xb7 * 0x101, 0x6b * 0x101}

Definition at line 363 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkmagenta

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkmagenta {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}

Definition at line 364 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkolivegreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkolivegreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x55 * 0x101, 0x6b * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101}

Definition at line 365 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkorange

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkorange {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8c * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 366 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkorchid

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkorchid {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x99 * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101, 0xcc * 0x101}

Definition at line 367 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkred

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 368 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darksalmon

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darksalmon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe9 * 0x101, 0x96 * 0x101, 0x7a * 0x101}

Definition at line 369 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkseagreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkseagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101, 0xbc * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101}

Definition at line 370 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkslateblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkslateblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x48 * 0x101, 0x3d * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}

Definition at line 371 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkslategray

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkslategray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101}

Definition at line 372 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkslategrey

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkslategrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101}

Definition at line 373 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkturquoise

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkturquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xce * 0x101, 0xd1 * 0x101}

Definition at line 374 of file qcolor.h.

◆ darkviolet

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::darkviolet {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x94 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}

Definition at line 375 of file qcolor.h.

◆ deeppink

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::deeppink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x14 * 0x101, 0x93 * 0x101}

Definition at line 376 of file qcolor.h.

◆ deepskyblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::deepskyblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xbf * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 377 of file qcolor.h.

◆ dimgray

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::dimgray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101}

Definition at line 378 of file qcolor.h.

◆ dimgrey

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::dimgrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101}

Definition at line 379 of file qcolor.h.

◆ dodgerblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::dodgerblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x1e * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 380 of file qcolor.h.

◆ firebrick

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::firebrick {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb2 * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101}

Definition at line 381 of file qcolor.h.

◆ floralwhite

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::floralwhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101}

Definition at line 382 of file qcolor.h.

◆ forestgreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::forestgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101}

Definition at line 383 of file qcolor.h.

◆ fuchsia

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::fuchsia {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 384 of file qcolor.h.

◆ gainsboro

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::gainsboro {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101}

Definition at line 385 of file qcolor.h.

◆ ghostwhite

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::ghostwhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 386 of file qcolor.h.

◆ gold

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::gold {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd7 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 387 of file qcolor.h.

◆ goldenrod

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::goldenrod {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xda * 0x101, 0xa5 * 0x101, 0x20 * 0x101}

Definition at line 388 of file qcolor.h.

◆ gray

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::gray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}

Definition at line 389 of file qcolor.h.

◆ green

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::green {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 390 of file qcolor.h.

◆ greenyellow

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::greenyellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xad * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101}

Definition at line 391 of file qcolor.h.

◆ grey

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::grey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}

Definition at line 392 of file qcolor.h.

◆ honeydew

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::honeydew {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101}

Definition at line 393 of file qcolor.h.

◆ hotpink

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::hotpink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0xb4 * 0x101}

Definition at line 394 of file qcolor.h.

◆ indianred

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::indianred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x5c * 0x101, 0x5c * 0x101}

Definition at line 395 of file qcolor.h.

◆ indigo

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::indigo {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x4b * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x82 * 0x101}

Definition at line 396 of file qcolor.h.

◆ ivory

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::ivory {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101}

Definition at line 397 of file qcolor.h.

◆ khaki

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::khaki {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101, 0x8c * 0x101}

Definition at line 398 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lavender

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lavender {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}

Definition at line 399 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lavenderblush

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lavenderblush {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101}

Definition at line 400 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lawngreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lawngreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7c * 0x101, 0xfc * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 401 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lemonchiffon

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lemonchiffon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}

Definition at line 402 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xad * 0x101, 0xd8 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}

Definition at line 403 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightcoral

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightcoral {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}

Definition at line 404 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightcyan

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightcyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 405 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightgoldenrodyellow

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightgoldenrodyellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xd2 * 0x101}

Definition at line 406 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightgray

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightgray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}

Definition at line 407 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightgreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101}

Definition at line 408 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightgrey

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightgrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}

Definition at line 409 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightpink

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightpink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb6 * 0x101, 0xc1 * 0x101}

Definition at line 410 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightsalmon

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightsalmon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0x7a * 0x101}

Definition at line 411 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightseagreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightseagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x20 * 0x101, 0xb2 * 0x101, 0xaa * 0x101}

Definition at line 412 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightskyblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightskyblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x87 * 0x101, 0xce * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}

Definition at line 413 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightslategray

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightslategray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x77 * 0x101, 0x88 * 0x101, 0x99 * 0x101}

Definition at line 414 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightslategrey

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightslategrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x77 * 0x101, 0x88 * 0x101, 0x99 * 0x101}

Definition at line 415 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightsteelblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightsteelblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb0 * 0x101, 0xc4 * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101}

Definition at line 416 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lightyellow

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lightyellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101}

Definition at line 417 of file qcolor.h.

◆ lime

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::lime {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 418 of file qcolor.h.

◆ limegreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::limegreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101}

Definition at line 419 of file qcolor.h.

◆ linen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::linen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}

Definition at line 420 of file qcolor.h.

◆ magenta

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::magenta {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 421 of file qcolor.h.

◆ maroon

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::maroon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 422 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mediumaquamarine

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mediumaquamarine {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x66 * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0xaa * 0x101}

Definition at line 423 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mediumblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mediumblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}

Definition at line 424 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mediumorchid

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mediumorchid {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xba * 0x101, 0x55 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}

Definition at line 425 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mediumpurple

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mediumpurple {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x93 * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0xdb * 0x101}

Definition at line 426 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mediumseagreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mediumseagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x3c * 0x101, 0xb3 * 0x101, 0x71 * 0x101}

Definition at line 427 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mediumslateblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mediumslateblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7b * 0x101, 0x68 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}

Definition at line 428 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mediumspringgreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mediumspringgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0x9a * 0x101}

Definition at line 429 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mediumturquoise

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mediumturquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x48 * 0x101, 0xd1 * 0x101, 0xcc * 0x101}

Definition at line 430 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mediumvioletred

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mediumvioletred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc7 * 0x101, 0x15 * 0x101, 0x85 * 0x101}

Definition at line 431 of file qcolor.h.

◆ midnightblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::midnightblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x19 * 0x101, 0x19 * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101}

Definition at line 432 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mintcream

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mintcream {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}

Definition at line 433 of file qcolor.h.

◆ mistyrose

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::mistyrose {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe4 * 0x101, 0xe1 * 0x101}

Definition at line 434 of file qcolor.h.

◆ moccasin

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::moccasin {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe4 * 0x101, 0xb5 * 0x101}

Definition at line 435 of file qcolor.h.

◆ navajowhite

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::navajowhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101, 0xad * 0x101}

Definition at line 436 of file qcolor.h.

◆ navy

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::navy {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}

Definition at line 437 of file qcolor.h.

◆ oldlace

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::oldlace {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfd * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}

Definition at line 438 of file qcolor.h.

◆ olive

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::olive {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 439 of file qcolor.h.

◆ olivedrab

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::olivedrab {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x6b * 0x101, 0x8e * 0x101, 0x23 * 0x101}

Definition at line 440 of file qcolor.h.

◆ orange

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::orange {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa5 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 441 of file qcolor.h.

◆ orangered

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::orangered {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x45 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 442 of file qcolor.h.

◆ orchid

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::orchid {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xda * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0xd6 * 0x101}

Definition at line 443 of file qcolor.h.

◆ palegoldenrod

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::palegoldenrod {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0xe8 * 0x101, 0xaa * 0x101}

Definition at line 444 of file qcolor.h.

◆ palegreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::palegreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x98 * 0x101, 0xfb * 0x101, 0x98 * 0x101}

Definition at line 445 of file qcolor.h.

◆ paleturquoise

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::paleturquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xaf * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}

Definition at line 446 of file qcolor.h.

◆ palevioletred

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::palevioletred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdb * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0x93 * 0x101}

Definition at line 447 of file qcolor.h.

◆ papayawhip

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::papayawhip {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xef * 0x101, 0xd5 * 0x101}

Definition at line 448 of file qcolor.h.

◆ peachpuff

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::peachpuff {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xda * 0x101, 0xb9 * 0x101}

Definition at line 449 of file qcolor.h.

◆ peru

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::peru {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x85 * 0x101, 0x3f * 0x101}

Definition at line 450 of file qcolor.h.

◆ pink

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::pink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xcb * 0x101}

Definition at line 451 of file qcolor.h.

◆ plum

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::plum {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdd * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0xdd * 0x101}

Definition at line 452 of file qcolor.h.

◆ powderblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::powderblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb0 * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}

Definition at line 453 of file qcolor.h.

◆ purple

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::purple {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}

Definition at line 454 of file qcolor.h.

◆ red

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::red {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 455 of file qcolor.h.

◆ rosybrown

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::rosybrown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xbc * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101}

Definition at line 456 of file qcolor.h.

◆ royalblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::royalblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x41 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0xe1 * 0x101}

Definition at line 457 of file qcolor.h.

◆ saddlebrown

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::saddlebrown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x45 * 0x101, 0x13 * 0x101}

Definition at line 458 of file qcolor.h.

◆ salmon

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::salmon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x72 * 0x101}

Definition at line 459 of file qcolor.h.

◆ sandybrown

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::sandybrown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf4 * 0x101, 0xa4 * 0x101, 0x60 * 0x101}

Definition at line 460 of file qcolor.h.

◆ seagreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::seagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2e * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x57 * 0x101}

Definition at line 461 of file qcolor.h.

◆ seashell

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::seashell {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}

Definition at line 462 of file qcolor.h.

◆ sienna

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::sienna {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0x52 * 0x101, 0x2d * 0x101}

Definition at line 463 of file qcolor.h.

◆ silver

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::silver {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101}

Definition at line 464 of file qcolor.h.

◆ skyblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::skyblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x87 * 0x101, 0xce * 0x101, 0xeb * 0x101}

Definition at line 465 of file qcolor.h.

◆ slateblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::slateblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x6a * 0x101, 0x5a * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}

Definition at line 466 of file qcolor.h.

◆ slategray

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::slategray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101}

Definition at line 467 of file qcolor.h.

◆ slategrey

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::slategrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101}

Definition at line 468 of file qcolor.h.

◆ snow

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::snow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}

Definition at line 469 of file qcolor.h.

◆ springgreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::springgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101}

Definition at line 470 of file qcolor.h.

◆ steelblue

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::steelblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x46 * 0x101, 0x82 * 0x101, 0xb4 * 0x101}

Definition at line 471 of file qcolor.h.

◆ tan

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::tan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd2 * 0x101, 0xb4 * 0x101, 0x8c * 0x101}

Definition at line 472 of file qcolor.h.

◆ teal

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::teal {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}

Definition at line 473 of file qcolor.h.

◆ thistle

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::thistle {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd8 * 0x101, 0xbf * 0x101, 0xd8 * 0x101}

Definition at line 474 of file qcolor.h.

◆ tomato

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::tomato {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x63 * 0x101, 0x47 * 0x101}

Definition at line 475 of file qcolor.h.

◆ turquoise

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::turquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x40 * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101, 0xd0 * 0x101}

Definition at line 476 of file qcolor.h.

◆ violet

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::violet {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0x82 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}

Definition at line 477 of file qcolor.h.

◆ wheat

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::wheat {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101, 0xb3 * 0x101}

Definition at line 478 of file qcolor.h.

◆ white

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::white {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}

Definition at line 479 of file qcolor.h.

◆ whitesmoke

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::whitesmoke {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101}

Definition at line 480 of file qcolor.h.

◆ yellow

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::yellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}

Definition at line 481 of file qcolor.h.

◆ yellowgreen

constexpr QColor QColorConstants::Svg::yellowgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x9a * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101}

Definition at line 482 of file qcolor.h.