QtBase  v6.3.1
Functions | Variables
doc_src_qsignalspy.cpp File Reference

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QSignalSpy spy (box, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)))
box animateClick ()
 QCOMPARE (spy.count(), 1)
 QVERIFY (arguments.at(0).toBool()==true)
myCustomObject doSomething ()
 QVERIFY (arguments.at(0).typeId()==QMetaType::Int)
 QVERIFY (arguments.at(1).typeId()==QMetaType::QString)
 QVERIFY (arguments.at(2).typeId()==QMetaType::Double)
 qRegisterMetaType< SomeStruct > ()
 [1] More...
QSignalSpy spymodel (whatever(SomeStruct))
QSignalSpy spy (myPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)))
 [3] More...
 QVERIFY (spy.wait(1000))
 [4] More...
QSignalSpy spy (myPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked)
 [5] More...
object setObjectName ("A new object name")
 for (int i=mo.propertyOffset();i< mo.propertyCount();++i)
 [0] More...


QCheckBoxbox = ...
 [0] More...
QList< QVariantarguments = spy.takeFirst()
QSignalSpy spy (myCustomObject, SIGNAL(mySignal(int, QString, double)))
 [0] More...
SomeStruct result = qvariant_cast<SomeStruct>(spy.at(0).at(0))
 [2] More...
QObject object
 [6] More...
auto mo = object.metaObject()
 [7] More...
auto signalIndex = mo->indexOfSignal("objectNameChanged(QString)")
auto signal = mo->method(signalIndex)

Function Documentation

◆ animateClick()

box animateClick ( )

◆ doSomething()

myCustomObject doSomething ( )

◆ for()

for ( )







Definition at line 118 of file doc_src_qsignalspy.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ model()

QSignalSpy spy& model ( whatever(SomeStruct)  )


QCOMPARE ( spy.  count(),
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qRegisterMetaType< SomeStruct >()

qRegisterMetaType< SomeStruct > ( )



◆ QVERIFY() [1/5]

QVERIFY ( arguments.  at0).toBool( = =true)

◆ QVERIFY() [2/5]

QVERIFY ( arguments.  at0).typeId( = =QMetaType::Int)

◆ QVERIFY() [3/5]

QVERIFY ( arguments.  at1).typeId( = =QMetaType::QString)

◆ QVERIFY() [4/5]

QVERIFY ( arguments.  at2).typeId( = =QMetaType::Double)

◆ QVERIFY() [5/5]

QVERIFY ( spy.  wait1000)



◆ setObjectName()

object setObjectName ( "A new object name )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ spy() [1/3]

QSignalSpy spy ( box  ,

◆ spy() [2/3]

QSignalSpy spy ( myPushButton  ,



◆ spy() [3/3]

QSignalSpy spy ( myPushButton  ,



Variable Documentation

◆ arguments

QList< QVariant > arguments = spy.takeFirst()

Definition at line 59 of file doc_src_qsignalspy.cpp.

◆ box

QCheckBox* box = ...


Definition at line 52 of file doc_src_qsignalspy.cpp.

◆ mo

void static tst_QWindow::writeMinMaxDimensionalProps_data () QTest const auto mo = object.metaObject()



Definition at line 103 of file doc_src_qsignalspy.cpp.

◆ object



Definition at line 102 of file doc_src_qsignalspy.cpp.

◆ result

SomeStruct result = qvariant_cast<SomeStruct>(spy.at(0).at(0))



Definition at line 85 of file doc_src_qsignalspy.cpp.

◆ signal

auto signal = mo->method(signalIndex)

Definition at line 105 of file doc_src_qsignalspy.cpp.

◆ signalIndex

auto signalIndex = mo->indexOfSignal("objectNameChanged(QString)")

Definition at line 104 of file doc_src_qsignalspy.cpp.

◆ spy

QSignalSpy spy(myPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked) ( myCustomObject  ,
SIGNAL(mySignal(int, QString, double))   





