QtBase  v6.3.1
Deprecated List
Member IAccessibleEditableText::copyText ([in] long startOffset, [in] long endOffset)
This function is available via the application's GUI.
Member IAccessibleEditableText::cutText ([in] long startOffset, [in] long endOffset)
This function is available via the application's GUI.
Member IAccessibleEditableText::pasteText ([in] long offset)
This function is available via the application's GUI.
Member IAccessibleTable2::caption
use a describedBy relation
Member IAccessibleTable2::summary
Use the labeledBy relation
Member QAbstractItemView::itemDelegate () const
Use itemDelegateForIndex() instead. Returns the item delegate used by this view and model for the given index.
Member QBitmap::QBitmap (const QSize &)
[6.0] Use fromPixmap instead.
Member QCursor::bitmap () const
Use the overload without argument instead.
Member QCursor::mask () const
Use the overload without argument instead.
Member QDBusConnection::callWithCallback (const QDBusMessage &message, QObject *receiver, const char *slot, int timeout=-1) const
Sends the message over this connection and returns immediately. When the reply is received, the method returnMethod is called in the receiver object.
Member QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged (const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner)
Member QDomDocument::setContent (QIODevice *dev, QString *errorMsg=nullptr, int *errorLine=nullptr, int *errorColumn=nullptr)
Member qFindChildqFindChildren
Member qFindChildrenqFindChildren
Member QFontDatabase::QFontDatabase ()=delete
[6.0] Call the class methods as static functions instead.
Member QGraphicsItem::handlesChildEvents () const
Member QGraphicsItem::setHandlesChildEvents (bool enabled)
Class QGraphicsItemAnimation
Member QGraphicsScene::drawItems (QPainter *painter, int numItems, QGraphicsItem *items[], const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem options[], QWidget *widget=nullptr)
Member QGraphicsView::drawItems (QPainter *painter, int numItems, QGraphicsItem *items[], const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem options[])
Member QLabel::picture () const
Use the overload without argument instead.
Member QLineF::IntersectionType
Use QLineF::IntersectionType instead.
Member QMatrix4x4::flipCoordinates ()
Member QMetaType::compare (const void *lhs, const void *rhs) const
Use the non-static compare method instead
Member QMetaType::construct (void *where, const void *copy=nullptr) const
Member QMetaType::convert (QMetaType fromType, const void *from, QMetaType toType, void *to)
Member QMetaType::create (const void *copy=nullptr) const
Member QMetaType::debugStream (QDebug &dbg, const void *rhs)
Member QMetaType::destroy (void *data) const
Destroys the data, assuming it is of the type given.
Member QMetaType::destruct (void *data) const
Member QMetaType::hasRegisteredDebugStreamOperator () const

Use QMetaType::hasRegisteredDebugStreamOperator() instead.

Member QMetaType::load (QDataStream &stream, void *data) const
Member QMetaType::save (QDataStream &stream, const void *data) const
Member QMetaType::sizeOf () const
Member QMouseEvent::flags () const
[6.0] Use pointingDevice() instead.
Member QNetworkAccessManager::supportedSchemesImplementation () const
Member QObjectList

Member QPalette::QPalette (const QColor &windowText, const QColor &window, const QColor &light, const QColor &dark, const QColor &mid, const QColor &text, const QColor &base)
Member QSocketNotifier::activated (QSocketDescriptor socket, QSocketNotifier::Type activationEvent, QPrivateSignal)
To avoid unintended truncation of the descriptor, use the QSocketDescriptor overload of this function. If you need compatibility with versions older than 5.15 you need to change the slot to accept qintptr if it currently accepts an int, and then connect using Functor-Based Connection.
Member QString::fromUcs4 (const char32_t *, qsizetype size=-1)
[6.0] Use the char32_t overload instead.
Member QString::fromUtf16 (const char16_t *, qsizetype size=-1)
[6.0] Use the char16_t overload instead.
Member QStringView::left (qsizetype n) const noexcept
Use first() instead in new code.
Member QStringView::mid (qsizetype pos, qsizetype n=-1) const noexcept
Use sliced() instead in new code.
Member QStringView::right (qsizetype n) const noexcept
Use last() instead in new code.
Member QStyle::standardPixmap (StandardPixmap standardPixmap, const QStyleOption *opt=nullptr, const QWidget *widget=nullptr) const =0
Returns a pixmap for the given standardPixmap.
Member QTouchEvent::QTouchEvent (QEvent::Type eventType, const QPointingDevice *device=nullptr, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier, const QList< QEventPoint > &touchPoints={})

[6.0] Use another constructor.

[6.2] Use another constructor.

Namespace QtPrivate



Member qVariantCanConvert
Member qVariantValue
Member QWidget::topLevelWidget () const
Member QWidget::windowIconText
This property is deprecated.
Member QWidget::windowIconTextChanged (const QString &iconText)
Member vmaDefragment (VmaAllocator allocator, VmaAllocation *pAllocations, size_t allocationCount, VkBool32 *pAllocationsChanged, const VmaDefragmentationInfo *pDefragmentationInfo, VmaDefragmentationStats *pDefragmentationStats)
This is a part of the old interface. It is recommended to use structure VmaDefragmentationInfo2 and function vmaDefragmentationBegin() instead.
Member VmaDefragmentationInfo
This is a part of the old interface. It is recommended to use structure VmaDefragmentationInfo2 and function vmaDefragmentationBegin() instead.