QtBase  v6.3.1
QVulkanWindow Class Reference

The QVulkanWindow class is a convenience subclass of QWindow to perform Vulkan rendering. More...

Inheritance diagram for QVulkanWindow:
Inheritance graph

Detailed Description

The QVulkanWindow class is a convenience subclass of QWindow to perform Vulkan rendering.

\inmodule QtGui


QVulkanWindow is a Vulkan-capable QWindow that manages a Vulkan device, a graphics queue, a command pool and buffer, a depth-stencil image and a double-buffered FIFO swapchain, while taking care of correct behavior when it comes to events like resize, special situations like not having a device queue supporting both graphics and presentation, device lost scenarios, and additional functionality like reading the rendered content back. Conceptually it is the counterpart of QOpenGLWindow in the Vulkan world.

QVulkanWindow does not always eliminate the need to implement a fully custom QWindow subclass as it will not necessarily be sufficient in advanced use cases.

QVulkanWindow can be embedded into QWidget-based user interfaces via QWidget::createWindowContainer(). This approach has a number of limitations, however. Make sure to study the \l{QWidget::createWindowContainer()}{documentation} first.

A typical application using QVulkanWindow may look like the following:

As it can be seen in the example, the main patterns in QVulkanWindow usage are:



For troubleshooting, enable the logging category {qt.vulkan}. Critical errors are printed via qWarning() automatically.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: