QtBase  v6.3.1
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QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache Class Referenceabstract

#include <qplatformsharedgraphicscache.h>

Inheritance diagram for QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  PixelFormat { Alpha8 }
enum  BufferType { OpenGLTexture }


void itemsMissing (const QByteArray &cacheId, const QList< quint32 > &itemIds)
void itemsAvailable (const QByteArray &cacheId, void *bufferId, const QList< quint32 > &itemIds, const QList< QPoint > &positionsInBuffer)
void itemsInvalidated (const QByteArray &cacheId, const QList< quint32 > &itemIds)
void itemsUpdated (const QByteArray &cacheId, void *bufferId, const QList< quint32 > &itemIds, const QList< QPoint > &positionsInBuffer)
- Signals inherited from QObject
void destroyed (QObject *=nullptr)
void objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName, QPrivateSignal)

Public Member Functions

 QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache (QObject *parent=nullptr)
virtual void beginRequestBatch ()=0
virtual void ensureCacheInitialized (const QByteArray &cacheId, BufferType bufferType, PixelFormat pixelFormat)=0
virtual void requestItems (const QByteArray &cacheId, const QList< quint32 > &itemIds)=0
virtual void insertItems (const QByteArray &cacheId, const QList< quint32 > &itemIds, const QList< QImage > &items)=0
virtual void releaseItems (const QByteArray &cacheId, const QList< quint32 > &itemIds)=0
virtual void endRequestBatch ()=0
virtual bool requestBatchStarted () const =0
virtual uint textureIdForBuffer (void *bufferId)=0
virtual void referenceBuffer (void *bufferId)=0
virtual bool dereferenceBuffer (void *bufferId)=0
virtual QSize sizeOfBuffer (void *bufferId)=0
virtual voideglImageForBuffer (void *bufferId)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
Q_INVOKABLE QObject (QObject *parent=nullptr)
virtual ~QObject ()
virtual bool event (QEvent *event)
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
QString objectName () const
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
QBindable< QStringbindableObjectName ()
bool isWidgetType () const
bool isWindowType () const
bool signalsBlocked () const noexcept
bool blockSignals (bool b) noexcept
QThreadthread () const
void moveToThread (QThread *thread)
int startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType=Qt::CoarseTimer)
void killTimer (int id)
template<typename T >
T findChild (const QString &aName=QString(), Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
template<typename T >
QList< TfindChildren (const QString &aName, Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
template<typename T >
QList< TfindChildren (Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
const QObjectListchildren () const
void setParent (QObject *parent)
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection) const
bool disconnect (const char *signal=nullptr, const QObject *receiver=nullptr, const char *member=nullptr) const
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *member=nullptr) const
void dumpObjectTree () const
void dumpObjectInfo () const
bool setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value)
QVariant property (const char *name) const
QList< QByteArraydynamicPropertyNames () const
QBindingStoragebindingStorage ()
const QBindingStoragebindingStorage () const
QObjectparent () const
bool inherits (const char *classname) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Slots inherited from QObject
void deleteLater ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType=Qt::AutoConnection)
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::Object *receiver, Func2 slot, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
static QMetaObject::Connection ::type connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, Func2 slot)
static QMetaObject::Connection ::type connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const QObject *context, Func2 slot, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static std::enable_if< QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::ArgumentCount==-1 &&!std::is_convertible_v< Func2, const char * >, QMetaObject::Connection >::type connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, Func2 slot)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static std::enable_if< QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::ArgumentCount==-1 &&!std::is_convertible_v< Func2, const char * >, QMetaObject::Connection >::type connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const QObject *context, Func2 slot, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &member)
static bool disconnect (const QMetaObject::Connection &)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static bool disconnect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::Object *receiver, Func2 slot)
template<typename Func1 >
static bool disconnect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const QObject *receiver, void **zero)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QObject
QObjectsender () const
int senderSignalIndex () const
int receivers (const char *signal) const
bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signal) const
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
virtual void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
 QObject (QObjectPrivate &dd, QObject *parent=nullptr)
- Protected Attributes inherited from QObject
QScopedPointer< QObjectDatad_ptr
- Properties inherited from QObject
QString objectName
 the name of this object More...

Detailed Description


Definition at line 58 of file qplatformsharedgraphicscache.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ BufferType

Defines how the type of buffer required to contain a cache.

\value OpenGLTexture The buffer will be allocated in graphics memory, and an OpenGL texture for a buffer belonging to the cache can be requested using textureIdForBuffer().


Definition at line 67 of file qplatformsharedgraphicscache.h.

◆ PixelFormat

Defines the pixel format of a cache.

\value Alpha8 The cache will use 8 bits to represent the alpha value of each pixel. If an OpenGL texture is created for a buffer belong to the cache, it will have the pixel format GL_ALPHA.


Definition at line 62 of file qplatformsharedgraphicscache.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache()

QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache ( QObject parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 72 of file qplatformsharedgraphicscache.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ beginRequestBatch()

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::beginRequestBatch ( )
pure virtual

This is a hint to the cache that a burst of requests is pending. In some implementations, this will improve performance, as the cache can focus on handling the requests and wait with the results until it is done. It should typically be called prior to a sequence of calls to requestItems() and releaseItems().

Any call to beginRequestBatch() must be followed at some point by a call to endRequestBatch(). Failing to do this may lead to the results of requests never being emitted.

beginRequestBatch() and endRequestBatch() have no stacking logic. Calling beginRequestBatch() twice in a row has no effect, and the single existing batch will be ended by the earliest call to endRequestBatch().
See also
endRequestBatch(), requestBatchStarted()

◆ dereferenceBuffer()

bool QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::dereferenceBuffer ( void bufferId)
pure virtual

Removed a previously registered reference to the buffer bufferId. Returns true if there are still more references to the buffer in question, or false if this was the last reference (in which case the buffer may have been deleted in the cache.)

See also

◆ eglImageForBuffer()

void * QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::eglImageForBuffer ( void bufferId)
pure virtual

Returns an EGLImageKHR image corresponding to the buffer bufferId.

See also
textureIdForBuffer(), sizeOfBuffer()

◆ endRequestBatch()

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::endRequestBatch ( )
pure virtual

Signals to the cache that the request sequence which has previously been commenced using beginRequestBatch() has now finished.

See also
beginRequestBatch(), requestBatchStarted()

◆ ensureCacheInitialized()

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::ensureCacheInitialized ( const QByteArray cacheId,
BufferType  bufferType,
PixelFormat  pixelFormat 
pure virtual

Initializes a cache named cacheId if it has not yet been initialized. The bufferType and pixelFormat gives the format of the buffers that will be used to contain the items in the cache. If a cache with the same cacheId has previously been initialized, the call will be ignored. The cache will keep its previously set buffer type and pixel format.

◆ insertItems()

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::insertItems ( const QByteArray cacheId,
const QList< quint32 > &  itemIds,
const QList< QImage > &  items 
pure virtual

Inserts the items in itemIds into the cache named cacheId. The appearance of each item is stored in items. The format of the QImage objects is expected to match the pixel format of the cache as it was initialized in ensureCacheInitialized().

When the items have been successfully entered into the cache, one or more itemsAvailable() signals will be emitted for the items.

If the cache already contains the items, the behavior is implementation-specific. The implementation may choose to ignore the items or it may overwrite the existing instances in the cache. Either way, itemsAvailable() signals corresponding to the inserted items will be emitted.

◆ itemsAvailable

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::itemsAvailable ( const QByteArray cacheId,
void bufferId,
const QList< quint32 > &  itemIds,
const QList< QPoint > &  positionsInBuffer 

This signal can be emitted at any time when either requestItems() or insertItems() has been called by the application for one or more items in the cache named cacheId, as long as releaseItems() has not subsequently been called for the same items. It instructs the application on where to find the items that have been entered into the cache. When the application receives a buffer, it is expected to reference it using referenceBuffer() on it if it keeps a reference to the buffer.

The bufferId is an ID for the buffer that contains the items. The bufferId can be converted to a format usable by the application depending on which format it was given at initialization. If it is a OpenGLTexture, its texture ID can be requested using the textureIdForBuffer() function. The dimensions of the buffer are given by bufferSize.

The items provided by the cache are identified in the itemIds list. The positionsInBuffer list contains the locations inside the buffer of each item. Each entry in positionsInBuffer corresponds to an item in itemIds.

The buffer and the items' locations within the buffer can be considered valid until an itemsInvalidated() signal has been emitted for the items, or until releaseItems() is called for the items.

See also
itemsMissing(), requestItems(), bufferType()

◆ itemsInvalidated

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::itemsInvalidated ( const QByteArray cacheId,
const QList< quint32 > &  itemIds 

This signal is emitted when the items given by itemIds in the cache named cacheId have been removed from the cache and the previously reported information about them is considered invalid. It will only be emitted for items for which a buffer has previously been identified through the itemsAvailable() signal (either as response to a requestItems() call or an insertItems() call.)

The application is expected to throw away information about the items in the itemIds array and drop any references it might have to the memory held by the buffer. If the items are still required by the application, it can re-commit them to the cache using the insertItems() function.

If the application no longer holds any references to previously referenced items in a given cache, it should call releaseItems() for these items, at which point it will no longer receive any itemsInvalidated() signal for these items.

◆ itemsMissing

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::itemsMissing ( const QByteArray cacheId,
const QList< quint32 > &  itemIds 

This signal is emitted when requestItems() has been called for one or more items in the cache named cacheId which are not yet available in the cache. The user is then expected to call insertItems() to update the cache with the respective items, at which point they will become available to all clients of the shared cache.

The itemIds list contains the IDs of the items that need to be inserted into the cache.

See also
itemsAvailable(), insertItems(), requestItems()

◆ itemsUpdated

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::itemsUpdated ( const QByteArray cacheId,
void bufferId,
const QList< quint32 > &  itemIds,
const QList< QPoint > &  positionsInBuffer 

This signal is similar in usage to the itemsAvailable() signal, but will be emitted when the location of a previously requested or inserted item has been updated. The application must update its data for the respective items and release any references to old buffers held by the items.

If the application no longer holds any references to previously referenced items in a given cache, it should call releaseItems() for these items, at which point it will no longer receive any itemsUpdated() signal for these items.

See also
requestItems(), insertItems(), itemsAvailable()

◆ referenceBuffer()

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::referenceBuffer ( void bufferId)
pure virtual

Registers a reference to the buffer bufferId.

See also

◆ releaseItems()

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::releaseItems ( const QByteArray cacheId,
const QList< quint32 > &  itemIds 
pure virtual

Releases the reference to the items in itemIds from the cache named cacheId. This should only be called when all references to the items have been released by the user, and they are no longer needed.

◆ requestBatchStarted()

bool QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::requestBatchStarted ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns true if a request batch has previously been started using beginRequestBatch() and not yet stopped using endRequestBatch().

See also
beginRequestBatch(), endRequestBatch()

◆ requestItems()

void QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::requestItems ( const QByteArray cacheId,
const QList< quint32 > &  itemIds 
pure virtual

Requests all the items in itemIds from the cache with the name cacheId.

If any or all of the items are available in the cache, one or more itemsAvailable() signals will be emitted corresponding to the items. If the cache does not contain all of the items in question, then an itemsMissing() signal will be emitted corresponding to the missing items. The user is at this point expected to call insertItems() to insert the missing items into the cache. If the inserted items have previously been requested by the user, at which point an itemsAvailable() signal will be emitted corresponding to the items.

Before requesting items from a cache, the user must call ensureCacheInitialized() with the correct parameters for the cache.

◆ sizeOfBuffer()

QSize QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::sizeOfBuffer ( void bufferId)
pure virtual

Returns the size of the buffer bufferId.

See also
textureIdForBuffer(), eglImageForBuffer()

◆ textureIdForBuffer()

uint QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache::textureIdForBuffer ( void bufferId)
pure virtual

Returns an OpenGL texture ID corresponding to the buffer bufferId, which has previously been passed through signals itemsAvailable() or itemsUpdated(). The relevant OpenGL context should be current when calling this function.

See also
eglImageForBuffer(), sizeOfBuffer()

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