QtBase  v6.3.1
QNativeGestureEvent Class Reference

The QNativeGestureEvent class contains parameters that describe a gesture event. \inmodule QtGui. More...

Detailed Description

The QNativeGestureEvent class contains parameters that describe a gesture event. \inmodule QtGui.


Native gesture events are generated by the operating system, typically by interpreting trackpad touch events. Gesture events are high-level events such as zoom, rotate or pan. Several types hold incremental values: that is, value() and delta() provide the difference from the previous event to the current event.

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In addition, BeginNativeGesture and EndNativeGesture are sent before and after gesture event streams:


The event stream may include interleaved gestures of different types: for example the two-finger pinch gesture generates a stream of Zoom and Rotate events, and PanNativeGesture may sometimes be interleaved with those, depending on the platform.

Other types are standalone events: SmartZoomNativeGesture and SwipeNativeGesture occur only once each time the gesture is detected.

On a touchpad, moving two fingers as a group (the two-finger flick gesture) is usually reserved for scrolling; in that case, Qt generates QWheelEvents. This is the reason that three or more fingers are needed to generate a PanNativeGesture.
See also
Qt::NativeGestureType, QGestureEvent, QWheelEvent

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