QtBase  v6.3.1
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QInputMethodEvent Class Reference

The QInputMethodEvent class provides parameters for input method events. \inmodule QtGui. More...

#include <qevent.h>

Inheritance diagram for QInputMethodEvent:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for QInputMethodEvent:
Collaboration graph


class  Attribute
 The QInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attribute. More...

Public Types

enum  AttributeType {
  TextFormat , Cursor , Language , Ruby ,
- Public Types inherited from QEvent
enum  Type {
  None = 0 , Timer = 1 , MouseButtonPress = 2 , MouseButtonRelease = 3 ,
  MouseButtonDblClick = 4 , MouseMove = 5 , KeyPress = 6 , KeyRelease = 7 ,
  FocusIn = 8 , FocusOut = 9 , FocusAboutToChange = 23 , Enter = 10 ,
  Leave = 11 , Paint = 12 , Move = 13 , Resize = 14 ,
  Create = 15 , Destroy = 16 , Show = 17 , Hide = 18 ,
  Close = 19 , Quit = 20 , ParentChange = 21 , ParentAboutToChange = 131 ,
  ThreadChange = 22 , WindowActivate = 24 , WindowDeactivate = 25 , ShowToParent = 26 ,
  HideToParent = 27 , Wheel = 31 , WindowTitleChange = 33 , WindowIconChange = 34 ,
  ApplicationWindowIconChange = 35 , ApplicationFontChange = 36 , ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange = 37 , ApplicationPaletteChange = 38 ,
  PaletteChange = 39 , Clipboard = 40 , Speech = 42 , MetaCall = 43 ,
  SockAct = 50 , WinEventAct = 132 , DeferredDelete = 52 , DragEnter = 60 ,
  DragMove = 61 , DragLeave = 62 , Drop = 63 , DragResponse = 64 ,
  ChildAdded = 68 , ChildPolished = 69 , ChildRemoved = 71 , ShowWindowRequest = 73 ,
  PolishRequest = 74 , Polish = 75 , LayoutRequest = 76 , UpdateRequest = 77 ,
  UpdateLater = 78 , EmbeddingControl = 79 , ActivateControl = 80 , DeactivateControl = 81 ,
  ContextMenu = 82 , InputMethod = 83 , TabletMove = 87 , LocaleChange = 88 ,
  LanguageChange = 89 , LayoutDirectionChange = 90 , Style = 91 , TabletPress = 92 ,
  TabletRelease = 93 , OkRequest = 94 , HelpRequest = 95 , IconDrag = 96 ,
  FontChange = 97 , EnabledChange = 98 , ActivationChange = 99 , StyleChange = 100 ,
  IconTextChange = 101 , ModifiedChange = 102 , MouseTrackingChange = 109 , WindowBlocked = 103 ,
  WindowUnblocked = 104 , WindowStateChange = 105 , ReadOnlyChange = 106 , ToolTip = 110 ,
  WhatsThis = 111 , StatusTip = 112 , ActionChanged = 113 , ActionAdded = 114 ,
  ActionRemoved = 115 , FileOpen = 116 , Shortcut = 117 , ShortcutOverride = 51 ,
  WhatsThisClicked = 118 , ToolBarChange = 120 , ApplicationActivate = 121 , ApplicationActivated = ApplicationActivate ,
  ApplicationDeactivate = 122 , ApplicationDeactivated = ApplicationDeactivate , QueryWhatsThis = 123 , EnterWhatsThisMode = 124 ,
  LeaveWhatsThisMode = 125 , ZOrderChange = 126 , HoverEnter = 127 , HoverLeave = 128 ,
  HoverMove = 129 , AcceptDropsChange = 152 , ZeroTimerEvent = 154 , GraphicsSceneMouseMove = 155 ,
  GraphicsSceneMousePress = 156 , GraphicsSceneMouseRelease = 157 , GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick = 158 , GraphicsSceneContextMenu = 159 ,
  GraphicsSceneHoverEnter = 160 , GraphicsSceneHoverMove = 161 , GraphicsSceneHoverLeave = 162 , GraphicsSceneHelp = 163 ,
  GraphicsSceneDragEnter = 164 , GraphicsSceneDragMove = 165 , GraphicsSceneDragLeave = 166 , GraphicsSceneDrop = 167 ,
  GraphicsSceneWheel = 168 , GraphicsSceneLeave = 220 , KeyboardLayoutChange = 169 , DynamicPropertyChange = 170 ,
  TabletEnterProximity = 171 , TabletLeaveProximity = 172 , NonClientAreaMouseMove = 173 , NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress = 174 ,
  NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease = 175 , NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick = 176 , MacSizeChange = 177 , ContentsRectChange = 178 ,
  MacGLWindowChange = 179 , FutureCallOut = 180 , GraphicsSceneResize = 181 , GraphicsSceneMove = 182 ,
  CursorChange = 183 , ToolTipChange = 184 , NetworkReplyUpdated = 185 , GrabMouse = 186 ,
  UngrabMouse = 187 , GrabKeyboard = 188 , UngrabKeyboard = 189 , StateMachineSignal = 192 ,
  StateMachineWrapped = 193 , TouchBegin = 194 , TouchUpdate = 195 , TouchEnd = 196 ,
  NativeGesture = 197 , RequestSoftwareInputPanel = 199 , CloseSoftwareInputPanel = 200 , WinIdChange = 203 ,
  Gesture = 198 , GestureOverride = 202 , ScrollPrepare = 204 , Scroll = 205 ,
  Expose = 206 , InputMethodQuery = 207 , OrientationChange = 208 , TouchCancel = 209 ,
  ThemeChange = 210 , SockClose = 211 , PlatformPanel = 212 , StyleAnimationUpdate = 213 ,
  ApplicationStateChange = 214 , WindowChangeInternal = 215 , ScreenChangeInternal = 216 , PlatformSurface = 217 ,
  Pointer = 218 , TabletTrackingChange = 219 , User = 1000 , MaxUser = 65535

Public Member Functions

 QInputMethodEvent ()
 QInputMethodEvent (const QString &preeditText, const QList< Attribute > &attributes)
 ~QInputMethodEvent ()
QInputMethodEventclone () const override
void setCommitString (const QString &commitString, int replaceFrom=0, int replaceLength=0)
const QList< Attribute > & attributes () const
const QStringpreeditString () const
const QStringcommitString () const
int replacementStart () const
int replacementLength () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QEvent
 QEvent (Type type)
virtual ~QEvent ()
Type type () const
bool spontaneous () const
virtual void setAccepted (bool accepted)
bool isAccepted () const
void accept ()
void ignore ()
bool isInputEvent () const noexcept
bool isPointerEvent () const noexcept
bool isSinglePointEvent () const noexcept


bool operator== (const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute &lhs, const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute &rhs)
bool operator!= (const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute &lhs, const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute &rhs)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QEvent
static int registerEventType (int hint=-1) noexcept
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QEvent
 QEvent (Type type, InputEventTag)
 QEvent (Type type, PointerEventTag)
 QEvent (Type type, SinglePointEventTag)
- Protected Attributes inherited from QEvent
quint16 t

Detailed Description

The QInputMethodEvent class provides parameters for input method events. \inmodule QtGui.

Input method events are sent to widgets when an input method is used to enter text into a widget. Input methods are widely used to enter text for languages with non-Latin alphabets.

Note that when creating custom text editing widgets, the Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled window attribute must be set explicitly (using the QWidget::setAttribute() function) in order to receive input method events.

The events are of interest to authors of keyboard entry widgets who want to be able to correctly handle languages with complex character input. Text input in such languages is usually a three step process:

\list 1

When the user presses the first key on a keyboard, an input context is created. This input context will contain a string of the typed characters.

With every new key pressed, the input method will try to create a matching string for the text typed so far called preedit string. While the input context is active, the user can only move the cursor inside the string belonging to this input context.

At some point, the user will activate a user interface component (perhaps using a particular key) where they can choose from a number of strings matching the text they have typed so far. The user can either confirm their choice cancel the input; in either case the input context will be closed. \endlist

QInputMethodEvent models these three stages, and transfers the information needed to correctly render the intermediate result. A QInputMethodEvent has two main parameters: preeditString() and commitString(). The preeditString() parameter gives the currently active preedit string. The commitString() parameter gives a text that should get added to (or replace parts of) the text of the editor widget. It usually is a result of the input operations and has to be inserted to the widgets text directly before the preedit string.

If the commitString() should replace parts of the of the text in the editor, replacementLength() will contain the number of characters to be replaced. replacementStart() contains the position at which characters are to be replaced relative from the start of the preedit string.

A number of attributes control the visual appearance of the preedit string (the visual appearance of text outside the preedit string is controlled by the widget only). The AttributeType enum describes the different attributes that can be set.

A class implementing QWidget::inputMethodEvent() or QGraphicsItem::inputMethodEvent() should at least understand and honor the \l TextFormat and \l Cursor attributes.

Since input methods need to be able to query certain properties from the widget or graphics item, subclasses must also implement QWidget::inputMethodQuery() and QGraphicsItem::inputMethodQuery(), respectively.

When receiving an input method event, the text widget has to performs the following steps:

\list 1

When doing replacement the area of the preedit string is ignored, thus a replacement starting at -1 with a length of 2 will remove the last character before the preedit string and the first character afterwards, and insert the commit string directly before the preedit string.

If the widget implements undo/redo, this operation gets added to the undo stack.

If the widget implements undo/redo, the preeditString() should not influence the undo/redo stack in any way.

The widget should examine the list of attributes to apply to the preedit string. It has to understand at least the TextFormat and Cursor attributes and render them as specified. \endlist

See also

Definition at line 695 of file qevent.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AttributeType

\value TextFormat A QTextCharFormat for the part of the preedit string specified by start and length. value contains a QVariant of type QTextFormat specifying rendering of this part of the preedit string. There should be at most one format for every part of the preedit string. If several are specified for any character in the string the behaviour is undefined. A conforming implementation has to at least honor the backgroundColor, textColor and fontUnderline properties of the format.

\value Cursor If set, a cursor should be shown inside the preedit string at position start. The length variable determines whether the cursor is visible or not. If the length is 0 the cursor is invisible. If value is a QVariant of type QColor this color will be used for rendering the cursor, otherwise the color of the surrounding text will be used. There should be at most one Cursor attribute per event. If several are specified the behaviour is undefined.

\value Language The variant contains a QLocale object specifying the language of a certain part of the preedit string. There should be at most one language set for every part of the preedit string. If several are specified for any character in the string the behavior is undefined.

\value Ruby The ruby text for a part of the preedit string. There should be at most one ruby text set for every part of the preedit string. If several are specified for any character in the string the behaviour is undefined.

\value Selection If set, the edit cursor should be moved to the specified position in the editor text contents. In contrast with Cursor, this attribute does not work on the preedit text, but on the surrounding text. The cursor will be moved after the commit string has been committed, and the preedit string will be located at the new edit position. The start position specifies the new position and the length variable can be used to set a selection starting from that point. The value is unused.

See also

Definition at line 699 of file qevent.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QInputMethodEvent() [1/2]

QInputMethodEvent::QInputMethodEvent ( )

Constructs an event of type QEvent::InputMethod. The attributes(), preeditString(), commitString(), replacementStart(), and replacementLength() are initialized to default values.

See also

Definition at line 2307 of file qevent.cpp.

◆ QInputMethodEvent() [2/2]

QInputMethodEvent::QInputMethodEvent ( const QString preeditText,
const QList< Attribute > &  attributes 

Constructs an event of type QEvent::InputMethod. The preedit text is set to preeditText, the attributes to attributes.

The commitString(), replacementStart(), and replacementLength() values can be set using setCommitString().

See also
preeditString(), attributes()

Definition at line 2322 of file qevent.cpp.

◆ ~QInputMethodEvent()

QInputMethodEvent::~QInputMethodEvent ( )

Definition at line 2328 of file qevent.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ attributes()

const QList< Attribute > & QInputMethodEvent::attributes ( ) const

Returns the list of attributes passed to the QInputMethodEvent constructor. The attributes control the visual appearance of the preedit string (the visual appearance of text outside the preedit string is controlled by the widget only).

See also
preeditString(), Attribute

Definition at line 723 of file qevent.h.

◆ clone()

QInputMethodEvent* QInputMethodEvent::clone ( ) const

Creates and returns an identical copy of this event.


Reimplemented from QEvent.

Definition at line 720 of file qevent.h.

◆ commitString()

const QString & QInputMethodEvent::commitString ( ) const

Returns the text that should get added to (or replace parts of) the text of the editor widget. It usually is a result of the input operations and has to be inserted to the widgets text directly before the preedit string.

See also
setCommitString(), preeditString(), replacementStart(), replacementLength()

Definition at line 726 of file qevent.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ preeditString()

const QString & QInputMethodEvent::preeditString ( ) const

Returns the preedit text, i.e. the text before the user started editing it.

See also
commitString(), attributes()

Definition at line 724 of file qevent.h.

◆ replacementLength()

int QInputMethodEvent::replacementLength ( ) const

Returns the number of characters to be replaced in the preedit string.

See also
replacementStart(), setCommitString()

Definition at line 728 of file qevent.h.

◆ replacementStart()

int QInputMethodEvent::replacementStart ( ) const

Returns the position at which characters are to be replaced relative from the start of the preedit string.

See also
replacementLength(), setCommitString()

Definition at line 727 of file qevent.h.

◆ setCommitString()

void QInputMethodEvent::setCommitString ( const QString commitString,
int  replaceFrom = 0,
int  replaceLength = 0 

Sets the commit string to commitString.

The commit string is the text that should get added to (or replace parts of) the text of the editor widget. It usually is a result of the input operations and has to be inserted to the widgets text directly before the preedit string.

If the commit string should replace parts of the of the text in the editor, replaceLength specifies the number of characters to be replaced. replaceFrom specifies the position at which characters are to be replaced relative from the start of the preedit string.

See also
commitString(), replacementStart(), replacementLength()

Definition at line 2348 of file qevent.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator!=

Definition at line 737 of file qevent.h.

◆ operator==

bool operator== ( const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute lhs,
const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute rhs 

Definition at line 730 of file qevent.h.

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